Hayesley getting ready to have some fun with the latest edition of Lighthouse Fun 4 Kids.
Seth playing with his homemade lighthouse.
Thomas is 4 years old and is seeing lots of lighthouses! Here he is at some great ones including, Fowery Rocks Lighthouse, Cape Floriday Lighthouse, Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse, Cape Canaveral Lighthouse and the Montauk Lighthouse.
Eirinn, Declan and Scarlet Flynn on Memorial Day weekend when they hiked down to the Block Island SE lighthouse from town.
Declan, Scarlet Flynn, and Eirinn at Montauk Lighthouse
In our 2015 Holiday issue of Stamp Flashes we met Sierra and Kayla, when they first began collecting passport stamps. At that time Sierra, who was 5, had collected 17 stamps while her 2 year old sister had 13 stamps. Sierra used her birthday money to buy her first passport and is shown here with her “I Love Lighthouses” sticker. Note that they both are wearing lighthouse t-shirts. Fast forward to 2021 and they now each have received their Silver Star patches and two flags representing a collection of 120 stamps. We are thrilled to see that they have continued their family oriented lighthouse visits and look forward to receiving more of their completed passports. These two young ladies are obviously lighthouse lovers and future supporters of lighthouse preservation. Way to go Sierra & Kayla!
Clara and Thomas Graham at Howth, Ireland, Lighthouse - Photo by Jove Graham
The Grashiks at Fort Gratior Lighthouse - June 2021