Collector Lighthouse Passport Stamp Series III

Collector Lighthouse Passport Stamp Series III - Lost Lights (4 stamps)


The USLHS Passport Program continues to celebrate visiting lighthouses and their ongoing preservation with Series III of our Lost Lighthouses. There are a great many significant lights that are now lost, destroyed by natural disasters, torn down purposefully or replaced with something modern. The U.S. Lighthouse Society is continuing to honor these proud beacons by offering the third in a series of commemorative passport stamps to help everyone understand their significance in history. By purchasing the set of 4 stamps (which will fill one page of your LH Passport Book) you will be adding to your official stamp collection while helping to support the Lighthouse Passport Program itself. 

The set of stamps will be shipped to you via 1st class U.S. Mail. 

For more information about our lighthouse collector series, please visit our passport page or click this link:
Link to Lost Lights.