Created by Gary Riemenschneider


Light Lists are an important tool for anyone researching lighthouses and their history, as well as anyone curious about the changes to our coastlines since lighthouses were first established. Normally you would have to scour though multiple years of Light Lists looking for different entries for the lighthouse you are researching, but not any more. This resource allows you to view information from many historic Light Lists and consolidates entries over multiple years by lighthouse. For anyone who has used actual Light Lists for research, you know how tedious it can be, and how much work has gone into creating this valuable research tool (thanks Gary!). The recently updated version encompasses the East Coast, West Coast and Gulf Coast of the United States.

  • Display Individual Light Lists
  • Display Single Lighthouse Information
  • Display Static Light Characteristic Maps
  • Display Dynamic Light Characteristic Maps
  • Display Radiobeacon Maps
  • Display Special Radio Direction Finders
  • View Specific Glossary Terms for this Section

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