This table is a compilation of information culled from the Inspection Reports available from the National Archives for lighthouses where a clockwork mechanism was used to activate a screen, belt, or panels to produce a flashing pattern. The table includes the following categories of information: Lighthouse name; Year of report; Order of lens; Type of device used to produce a flash; Pounds of weight used for powering the clockwork mechanism; Time of one cycle; Length of Drop Tube (if any); Time between windings; and whether the device turned on ball bearings or chariot wheels. In many of the reports, data was simply not included for all of the categories, but the extracted information nonetheless gives a heretofore underappreciated glimpse into this aspect of lighthouse operation.

Please note this list is not complete as it is based on available Inspection Reports, which do not cover all lighthouses and time periods.


Clockwork mechanisms for activating screens, belts, and panels
Makapuu HI1916, 270Revolving screen inside lens121 no tube3.5BB
Currituck Beach NC19091Revolving belt 4.5 M 2.5CW
Sand Key FL19131Revolving belt 8 M93.5BB
St. Augustine FL19111Revolving belt2709 M1st landing to pit2.75CW
Grosse Point IL19102Revolving belt 9 M688CW
Petit Manan ME19352Revolving belt2506 M225.5CW
Big Bay Point MI19103Revolving panels 80 sFull tower and into basement5CW
Brandywine Shoal DE19143Brass sleeve 30 s694 
Cape San Juan PR19123Revolving belt2549 M274CW
Dunkirk NY19093Revolving panels 2.25 M376CW
Fenwick Island DE19073Revolving panels 6 M185CW
Fort Gratiot MI19123Revolving panels 4 M453.5CW
Isla Caja de Muertos PR19183Revolving belt2009 M426CW
Little Sable MI19113Revolving belt90 7811CW
Sabine Pass LA18583Revolving panels     
Sanibel Island19123Revolving panels1156 M654BB
St. Simons Island GA 3Revolving belt     
Princes Bay NY18803.5  2 M24  
Cape Arago OR18814Revolving panels 2 M203 
Cedar Keys FL19124Revolving panels75-1502 M224.75CW
Coquille River OR18964Brass cylinder 30 s   
Deep Water Point Front Range NJ19084half-cylindrical shade 3 s226.5 
Delaware Breakwater Front Range DE19084Cylindrical shade  324.5 
Eagle Harbor MI19104Revolving panels 2 MFull length of tower6CW
Elbow of Cross Ledge NJ19104Revolving screen 30 s16 BB
Faulkners Island CT18734Revolving panels 90 s   
Finns Point Range Front NJ19084Cylindrical shade 3 s276.5 
Fourteen Foot Bank DE19104Cylindrical shade  296 
Granite Island MI19094Revolving panels 4.5 M28 CW
Harbor Beach MI18864Revolving panels 3 M155 
Listons Front Range DE19184Occulting blind303 368.83 
Newcastle Front Range DE19074Cylindrical shade  286 
Norwalk Island CT18804Revolving panels 2 M285 
Reedy Island Front Range DE19104Revolving screen 12 s204.5BB
Schooner Ledge Range Front PA19074Cloth curtain 3 s205.5 
Sherwood Point WI18864Revolving panels 3 M22  
Ship John Shoal NJ19104Cylindrical shade 15 s155 
Shoalwater Bay WA18824Revolving panels 4 M122.5 
Smith Island WA18824Revolving panels 3 M204 
Superior Entry WI19154Revolving screen inside lens75 174BB
Tawas Point MI19104Hood occulting device  565 
Waugoshance MI19074Revolving panels 90 s455BB
Billingsport Front Range NJ19105Brass shade 3 s297 
Bird Island MA19205Revolving panels 160 s  CW
Cat Island MS19115Revolving panels453 M 5CW
Cheboygan MI19105Revolving panels 3 MFull length of tower4CW
Cherry Island Front Range DE19075Cylindrical shade  86 
Crabtree Ledge ME19095Revolving belt 4 M409.42CW
Ipswich Range MA19315Revolving panels1503 M275CW
Little Rapids Cut MI19095Revolving lamp 30 s254BB
Portland Breakwater ME19095Revolving panels 2 M146CW
Raspberry Island WI19105Revolving panels 3MFull length of tower4.27CW
Tenants Harbor ME19085Revolving panels 2 M157.5CW