Report for Cleveland West Breakwater East End Light (Ohio) - 1909

District: 10th
Inspector: Chas. C. Bartlett & Norris M. Works
Location: On crib just inside E'ly end of W Breakwater, W'ly side of N entrance to Cleveland Harbor, Ohio, S'ly shore of Lake Erie.
Date of Report: 02/03/1909
Latitude: 41° 30' 26"
Longitude: 81° 42' 56"
Site: On crib in navigable waters, just inside end of breakwater.
Date of Reservation:
Date of Deed:
Date of Permission:
Date of Lease:
Area of the Entire Site:
Area Inclosed:
Character of Soil: None
Distance of tower from Nearest High-Water Mark:
Inclosures to Premises / Type of Fence: None
Wharf or Landing on Premises: Platform about 1' above MLL, about 24' x 40' under deck of pile pier, alongside crib.
Road to Land or Wharf Chararacter of and Distance: Wooden steps down to platform from top of pier.
Means to Reach Light Station: By boat.
Distance to Nearest Road: 5/8 mile to 1st Ave.
Distance to Post Office: Light to dwelling = 1 mile; Dwelling to PO = 3/4 mile.
Distance to Village: In Cleveland Harbor.
Facilities for Public Conveyance: None
Facilities for Private Conveyance: 1 mile from dwelling - reached by walking & small boat from boathouse on W Pier
Means Used for Support of Lantern: Cast iron tower (resting on a wooden portion built of 12" x 2" timbers 20' high)
Number of Separate Lights: One
First Built or Established: 1885
Last Rebuilt, Repaired, or Renovated: Raised 20" 1903
Condition at This Date: Good
Shape of Tower in Plan: Octagonal
Form of Tower: Lower 20' is right octagonal prism, upper, cast iron part is octagonal pyramidal
Height from Base to Ventilator Ball: 5' 8"
Height of Focal Plane Above Mean High Water: 55.5'
Background of Lighthouse as Seen from Sea: Bldgs & dense smoke of Cleveland
Color of Tower: Brown, black lantern
Color of Tower/ How Produced: Lead & oil paint
Tower Connection: Detached, quarters are adjacent, dwelling ashore.
Object of Navigation: Marks W side of main entrance to harbor
Building Materials: Cast iron tower, lined with wood, resting on a wooden portion 20' high, built solid of 12" x 12" timbers.
General Description:
Wall Thickness at Base: Wooden walls at base 12"; base of iron portion 1 1/4"
Wall Thickness at Parapet: 5/8"
Diameter at Base: 13' 10.5"
Diameter at Parapet: 8' 8"
Kind of Stairway and Steps: 2 flights winding wooden, 1 flight winding iron, 1 ladder from watchroom to lantern
Number of Landings: 3 intermediate
Size of Glass: 1st & 2nd floor - 1' 8 5/8" x 1' 11 3/4"; 3rd floor 3 - 14.5" x 28"2 lights 10" x 12"
Number of Windows and Size of Sash: 1st & 2nd floor 2 sash 16" x 30"; W. room 4 - 15" 2 sash 14" dia.
Number of Doors: 1 at entrance to tower from fog signal house, 1 on 3rd floor.
Kind of Foundation and Depth Below Surface:
Character of Soil Surrounding the Lighthouse:
Soil Susceptibility:
Miscellaneous Remarks: MLL to top pier = 8' 8.5"; Top pier to top conc base = 1'; top base to top wood base = 20' 8"; top wood base to top balcony = 20'; Parapet height 3' 6"; glass 3'
Lantern and Fixtures
Order of Lantern: 4th
Shape of Lantern: Octagonal
Diameter to Glass: 7'
Diameter in the Clear:
Number of Sides: 8
Type of Bars: Vertical
Thickness of Bars:
Height Glazed: 36"
Number of Plates in Height: 1
Number of Plates Each Side: 1
Thickness of Plates: 5/16"
Size of Plates: 34 1/4" x 36.5"
Number of Storm Panes: None
Unglazed Side of Lantern: None
What Bearings:
Construction Material Lantern: Cast iron
Construction Material Roof / Cowl: Copper roof on iron rafters; lined with zinc.
Ventilator / Cowl: Cast iron
Lightning Spindle: Copper, platinum point
Description of Lightning Rod: 7/8" galvanized cable, down side of tower, over edge of pier into water.
Balustrade: Cast iron, flat wrought iron rail.
Lantern Doors: 1, cast iron, with 2 leaves, in parapet below glass, wrought iron hinges, brass lock.
Floor of Lantern: Cast iron, checkered
Watchroom Doors: Iron trap door
Parapet Diameter: 6' 7"
Location / Number: 4 brass revolving discs, in parapet
Ladders / Cleaning Arrangement: None
Curtain Hooks / Hanger: Iron, screwed into lantern post.

How is Watchroom Fitted: 2nd floor of tower provided with bed. Room below lantern, 3rd floor, may technically be considered watchroom. It contains fog bell striking apparatus & cupboard.
How is Relief Called: None
Where is Call System Led:
Illuminating Apparatus
Kind of Apparatus: 2 hrs 40 min.
Intensity in Candles:
Name of Maker: Barbier & Fenestre, Paris
Year Made: 1884
Marks and Number: Barbier & Fenestre - constructeurs BB/79 Paris 1884
Order of Apparatus: 4th
Inside Diameter: 19 3/4"
Light Characteristic: Flashing white & red - intervals between 10 sec.
Time of Revolution: 60 sec.
Flash Interval: 10 sec.
Duration of Flash: Nearly instantaneous.
Arc of Each Fixed Part:
Number of Panels: 6
Number of Flash Panels: 6
Arc of Each: 60 degrees
Number of Elements in Central Drum: Each of 6 panels of bullseye lenses, 1 central disc, 2 full circular prisms
Number of Prisms Above Center Drum: 6 segments of circles above
Number of Prisms Below Center Drum: 3
Does Apparatus Revolve?: True
Is There a Revolving Belt?: False
Revolving Panels:
How Flash is Produced: 6 panels of bullseye lenses revolve about a vertical axis once per 60 sec. giving a flash each 10 sec.
Number of Vertical Elements Panel:
Fixed Lens Covered:
Pedestal: Cast iron
Service Table: Wooden shelf, 16" x 48", covered with oil cloth.
Draft Tube Description: Brass, 2.5" dia. x 2' 4"
Revolving Machinery: Clock work - large dia. gear on base of lens - clockwork on E side of lens made at USLH Depot.
Standby and Description:
Chariot Float or Balls: On pier
Chariot Description:
Length of Drop Tube: Available full for weight
Clock Weight:
Length of Winding Time: 2 hrs 40 min.
Drive During Rewind:
Machinery Protection: Brass case, glazed
Regulated: Large revolving fan governor
Lens Protection:
How Color is Produced: Red glass screens attached in front of alternate panels of lens on outside.
Red Sectors Description:
Where Color Attached: To illuminating apparatus, outside of panels of lens.
Form of Colored Glass:
Lamp Description: 4th order, 1 wick 1.5" dia. top of burner, 15.5" high.
Type of Illuminant:
Number of Spare Lamps: 3
Number of Spare Burners: None
Candle Power:

Clock Cord Description
Revolving Cord: Cable
Size of Clock Cord: 3/16"
Length of Clock Cord:
How Led: Thru 9" pipe, on E side weight hangs on 3 posts.
Diameter and Length of Clock Drum:
Closets and Store Rooms
Tower Closet Use: In 3rd store is closet 5' x 7.5" with shelves. Large closet on 1st story, under stairs.
Oil House Description: On W pier.
Oil House Inside Dimension: 8' dia. x 5.5" deep
Oil House Construction Material: Concrete foundation under tower. Has 2 sash 13" x 11 1/4" - glass 7" x 9"
Oil House Capacity: Oil cellar not used for storage of oil.
Other (Describe): Tool room adjoining, Fog sig house, 9' 8" x 9' 8" provided with bench, vise, etc.
Suitability: Suited.
Fog Signal General
Fog Signal Kind: Water tube steam boiler, Crosby Automatic apparatus, 10" steam whistle
Time to Start: 20 min
How Long Will Pressure Last:
Manufacturer: Boilers made at Red Bank, NJ
Year of Manufacture: 1899
Characteristic: Fog bell is struck a blow every 10 sec. when whistle is disabled. Whisle blows 3 sec blast every 57 sec.
Duplication: All in duplicate.
Timing Device:
If whistle, siren, or trumpet, Pressure at Which Blown: Whistle 100 lbs
Height Above Water: Deck to orifice `5' 8"; Water to deck - 8' 8"
Compass Direction: N 37 degrees W
Location: Adjoins lighthouse on channel side, marks main entrance to Cleveland Harbor.
Distance and Direction: Adjoins on E'ly or channel side
Water Supply: From lake, by duplicate steam pumps.
Reached from Lighthouse: Door of tower opens into fog signal house.
Description of Fog Signal Building: Wooden frame bldg sheathed with plank covered with corrugated iron, ceiled with wood inside & covered with plain zinc. Sound reflector on roof facing towards lake. Shop or storeroom attached on S'ly side.
Pressure And Recording Gauge:
Bell Signal
Metal: Bell metal
Diameter: 3' 2"
Height: 2' 7.5"
Time: About 45 min.
Manufacturer: Stevens Fog Bell striking apparatus in watchroom
Weights for Operation:

Steam Signal
Steam Boiler: Water tubes, enclosed in rectangular case
Kind: Roberts Water Tube
Tube: Water tubes
Dimensions: 4' 6" x 6' 3.5"
Length: 8' 4" high
Tube Description: 3' 6 3/4"; 4' 4"
Steam Tube Diameter: 1"
Steam Furnace Kind: Flat grate
Furnace Length: 60"
Furnace Width: 43"
Furnace Height: 16"
Steam Heat Surface: 491.32 sq. ft. ratio = 27.5
Steam Grate Surface: 18.92 sq. ft.
Number of Grate Bars: 22 x 3 = 66
Kind of Grate Bars: Cast iron 18 3/4" long
Steam Fuel: Bituminous
Steam Safety Valve: Pop valve
Steam Maximum Pressure: Designed for 200 lbs
Steam Working Pressure: 100 lbs
Steam Diameter of Smokestack: 20"
Smokestack Height: W stack - 33.5'; E stack 36'
Drum Dimension: 1- 60"; 1 - 68"
Steam Drum Diameter: 18 each total cubic const. 14 1/3 cu ft.
Steam Covering: Iron plates, asbestos lining
Steam Boiler Condition: Good
Steam Boiler Built: 1899; E boiler shop # 995; W boiler shop # 994
Where Built: Red Bank, NJ
Manufacturer: Rochester Safety Valve Water Tube Boiler Co.
Steam Heater: False
Heater Time Affect:
Steam Engine Kind:
Steam Engine Revolutions:
Steam Engine Cyl. Diameter:
Steam Engine Piston Stroke:
Steam Engine Pipe Size:
Steam Engine When Built:
Steam Engine Where Built:

Whistle Signal
Whistle Diameter: 10"
Whistle Height: 20"
Whistle Orifice: 2 7/8"
Whistle Tone: Single
Whistle Chime:
Location: On same crib, adjoining light tower.
Coloring: Brown
Construction Materials: Wooden, frame, corrugated iron roof. 29' x 10' 5"
Number of Rooms: 1 kitchen, 1 bedroom - closet, privy.
Number of Dwellings:
Heating Plant:
Number of Keepers: 2 keepers always on duty, 1 ashore.
Furnished Quarters:
NOT Furnished Quarters:
Outhouse Coloring:
Paths and Walks:
Area Inclosed:
Area of Garden:
Area Timber or Shrubbery:
Cultivation Area Available:
Area Cultivated:
Character of Surroundings:
Stove, Maker:
Stove, Size:
Sink, Maker:
Sink, Size:
Pump, Maker:
Pump, Size:
How Procured: From lake by steam pump
Quality: Not potable
Quantity: Ample
Injury Possible: Not liable
Purity Precaution:
Tank Capacity: Tank of boiler plate 4' 6" diam.
Tank Material: 4' 10" high. cap = 571 gal elevated in fog signal house.
Distilling Apparatus: False
Distilling Manufacturer:
Well Description:
Well Diameter:
Well Lining:
Pump or Bucket:
What Power Used:
Distance from Dwelling:
General Opinion: Fairly healthful
Local Causes:
Recommended Improvements:
Access to Lighthouse: Davits on S'ly edge of timber deck on S'ly side of lighthouse. Platform for storage of boat etc., along S'ly side of crib, under timber deck 24' x 40' x 1' high at MLL. Bldg now employed as quarters was until 1896 used as boat house at crib.
Distance and Direction: Ashore the boat is kept in boat house along side W pier.
Miscellaneous Remarks: Station is in serviceable condition. Construction of new lights at extremities of breakwater area, will probably necessitate changes at this light.