Dan May


The U.S. Lighthouse Society has published a new book, "Preserving America's Lighthouses: The Memoirs of a Coast Guard Ocean Engineer" by retired Coast Guard Rear Admiral Dan May. During his career, Dan served as the engineer for major lighthouse projects, including the relocation of Block Island Southeast Light in Rhode Island (the first move of a major lighthouse in the United States), the relocation of Highland Light on Cape Cod, and the design and construction of a revetment to protect Montauk Light on Long Island, New York. Dan is also on the board of directors of the U.S. Lighthouse Society.

In this live Zoom event, Dan May will give a presentation on the major lighthouse projects he's worked on over the years. There will also be time for Q&A. The event will be hosted by the U.S. Lighthouse Society's historian, Jeremy D'Entremont.

The event is free but advance registration is required: