Mislaid plaque to be returned to Plymouth Lighthouse, UK
A plaque commemorating the man who built Plymouth's landmark lighthouse will be returned to its rightful place, having been misplaced decades ago.

The brass memorial to John Smeaton, whose use of interlocking stone blocks revolutionized lighthouse design, was mislaid during renovations sometime in the early 2000s.
Eagle Bluff Lighthouse (WI) restoration project wins $500,000 grant to re-create original barn
The Door County Historical Society received a huge boost toward one of its big projects from the state this week.

The Wisconsin State Building Commission announced Oct. 8 it is awarding $500,000 to the historical society through its new Non-State Grant Program to reconstruct the barn that once stood next to Eagle Bluff Lighthouse and was used by the family who lived there and manned the light.
Click here to see more of Eagle Bluff on the USLHS Research Catalog
Gray Harbor Westport Lighthouse Is Iconic Symbol of Washington Maritime History
As a towering symbol of Washington State's rich maritime heritage, the Westport Grays Harbor Lighthouse stands majestically. The historic beacon of light has guided ships into Gray's Harbor, saving lives and boosting the local economy for more than 120 years.

Reaching 107 feet tall, it is the tallest lighthouse in the state and is ranked the third tallest on the West Coast, surpassed only by California's Pigeon Point and Point Arena lighthouses, towering at 115 feet.
Click here to see more of Gray Harbor on the USLHS Research Catalog
Seul Choix Point (MI) Haunted Lighthouse Fundraiser Returning
Once again the Gulliver Historical Society will be holding the annual fundraiser, Haunted Lighthouse at Seul Choix Point located at 905 S Seul Choix Road in Gulliver.

Click here to see more of Seul Choix Point on the USLHS Research Catalog
Lorain Lighthouse (OH) introduces new ornament
The Lorain Lighthouse's new 2024 holiday ornament is available at Nielsen Jewelers, 753 Broadway in downtown Lorain for cash or check, according to a news release.

Credit card sales can be made on the Lighthouse website and then picked up at Nielsen's, the release said.
Click here to see more of Lorian West Breakwater on the USLHS Research Catalog
Florida's oldest Lighthouse (Amelia Island) shines again
After going dark for about 18 months, the Amelia Island Light is shining again. The light was restored after being nonfunctional due to mechanical failure, according to a news release from the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary.

The lighthouse, noted for being the oldest in Florida, is located inland on a hill overlooking Egans Creek.
Click here to see more of Amelia Island on the USLHS Research Catalog
Port of Tyne (UK) restoration continues as South Pier lighthouse fitted with new roof after storm damage
The Port of Tyne restoration is continuing as the South Pier lighthouse has been fitted with a new roof after storm damage.

Since Storm Babet caused substantial damage in October 2023, the piers in Tynemouth and South Shields have been closed.
'Haunted Lighthouses of New England' at the library on Saturday
Hear about some haunted New England lighthouses with historian Jeremy D'Entremont, as he presents "Haunted Lighthouses of New England" at 1 pm Saturday, Oct. 19, at the Lunenburg Public Library, 1023 Massachusetts Ave.

This presentation will focus on some of the macabre tales of New England's coastal beacons, including the lovelorn spirit known as Ernie at Connecticut's New London Ledge Light and the piano Playing ghost of Maine's Seguin Light.
2024's last Five Finger Lighthouse (AK) keepers talk about the end of the season
At the intersection of Frederick Sound and Stephens Passage is an island chain. Known as the Five Finger Islands, the southernmost member is the home of the first manned lighthouse in Alaska.

The light itself has been automated for 40 years, since 1984, but volunteer keepers stay at the marine outpost from April through September, offering tours and hosting research groups.
Click here to see more of Five Finger on the USLHS Research Catalog
Giving a historic piece of Pacific Grove (the Point Pinos Lighthouse, CA) the designation it deserves will help preserve a unique legacy.
The Monterey Peninsula is world-famous for its protection of scenic wonder and historic preservation.

Pacific Grove now needs to protect a missing link in the preservation of the Point Pinos Lighthouse Reservation.
Click here to see more of Point Pinos on the USLHS Research Catalog
Friends of Cockspur Island Lighthouse (GA) Jamboree 2024
The Cockspur Island Lighthouse Jamboree is on Saturday, October 26th from 1PM to 5 PM. It will take place at Captain Derek's Dolphin Adventures (3 Old US Highway 80) at the foot of the Lazaretto Creek Bridge on the way to Tybee Island. Boat tours to the lighthouse depart from the dock at 1:30 PM, 3:30PM and 4:30 PM.

Guests can purchase burgers, hotdogs, and snacks provided by Oakie's and logo totes, mugs, hats, and T-shirts. Upbeat toe-tapping entertainment will be provided by local musical groups. The Jamboree will showcase some of the one-of-a-kind lighthouse and ocean-themed items offered on our online auction that begins with the Jamboree and ends on November 26th.
Friends of Cockspur Island Lighthouse, a 501(c)3 non-profit, supports the renovation and conservation efforts of Georgia's smallest historic lighthouse. https://cockspurislandlighthouse.com
U.S. Lighthouse Society News is produced by the U.S. Lighthouse Society to support lighthouse preservation, history, education and research.
If you have items of interest to the lighthouse community and its supporters, please email them to Jeremy D’Entremont at Jeremy@uslhs.org