The Clover Island Lighthouse (WA): A Community Icon
In 1789 the United States Congress approved the construction of lighthouses near waterways for navigation safety, a practice that continues over two-hundred years later, including on Kennewick's Clover Island.

The Clover Island Lighthouse opened in 2010 and has become an iconic Kennewick landmark.
Celebrating National Lighthouse Day At Cana Island In Door County, WI
It's a salute hundreds on years in the making.

The United States government created the Lighthouse Act of 1789, paving the way for National Lighthouse Day, which is marked every August 7.
Click here to see more of Cana Island on the USLHS Research Catalog
Storm Clouds Advance Over Sandy Neck Lighthouse (MA) Overlooking Barnstable Harbor
Watch as storm clouds stream over Sandy Neck Lighthouse as the weather shifts over Cape Cod.

The remains of Tropical Storm Debby arrive this weekend.
Click here to see more of Sandy Neck on the USLHS Research Catalog
Construction crews begin $16 million restoration of historic Pigeon Point Lighthouse (CA) along the San Mateo Coast
The winds howled and the waves crashed 100 feet below as JP Pelletier, a burly union ironworker from Buffalo, NY, inched his way out onto dizzying scaffolding near the top of Pigeon Point Lighthouse, a historic brick landmark that has stood between Half Moon Bay and Santa Cruz for 153 years.

"You can see the decay on these things," he said, pointing to ornate black metal first installed when Ulysses S Grant was president.
Click here to see more of Pigeon Point on the USLHS Research Catalog
Pensacola (FL) celebrates National Lighthouse Day with Coast Guard support
The Coast Guard and the Pensacola Lighthouse Maritime Museum hosted National Lighthouse Day on Wednesday.

It honors the beacon of light that for hundreds of years symbolized safety and security for ships and boats at sea.
Click here to see more of Pensacola on the USLHS Research Catalog
Presque Isle Lighthouse (PA) Offers Free Tower Climbs in Honor of National Lighthouse Day
Today is National Lighthouse Day! An iconic lighthouse here at home is giving residents the chance to climb the tower for free today.

The beacons of light have helped to keep ships at sea safe for hundreds of years.
Click here to see more of Presque Isle on the USLHS Research Catalog
Explore with Eric: The legendary Ludington North Breakwater Lighthouse, MI
There is no better way to enjoy a jot summer day than hitting the beach and there are few beaches in Michigan that contain the history and majesty of Sterns Beach in Mason County.

As the waves gently lap onto the shore and the call of a shore bird rings out across the sand, your eyes may be drawn to a structure that seems to rise straight out of Lake Michigan.
Click here to see more of Ludington North Breakwater on the USLHS Research Catalog
Celebrate Lighthouse Day at Cape Florida Lighthouse in Bill Baggs Park on Aug. 7
National Lighthouse Day is a day to honor the beacons of light that symbolize security for the nation's boat and ships. It is celebrated on August 7.

According to the Lighthouse Foundation, in 1789, Congress formally recognized the importance of the nation's lighthouses, beacons, buoys and public piers. On the 200th anniversary of that Congressional Act, a resolution passed designating August 7 as National Lighthouse Day.
Click here to see more of Cape Florida on the USLHS Research Catalog
18 lighthouses open to the public on 18 August, World Lighthouse Day
The ability to learn about the contribution of lighthouses to the safety of navigation, to the exploitation of the lighthouse network as a cultural heritage and the contribution of lighthouses to the operation of the network will be made on Sunday 18 August, in the context of World Lighthouse Day.

As was make known by the Hellenic Navy General Staff, on that day 18 lighthouses will be open to the public between the hours of 10:00-14:00 and 17:00-20:00.
The Art of Selling a Lighthouse
Behind most viral waterlocked real estate listings - from floating homes to private islands - there's a weathered realtor tasked, often literally, with steering in a buyer.

One day, about 20 years ago, Dave McNally was at his family's home in Minnesota when he made a throwaway comment to his young son in an effort to distract him: "Go on the internet and look up lighthouses for sale."
Click here to see more of Smith Point on the USLHS Research Catalog
U.S. Lighthouse Society News is produced by the U.S. Lighthouse Society to support lighthouse preservation, history, education and research.
If you have items of interest to the lighthouse community and its supporters, please email them to Jeremy D’Entremont at