Where's Marty? Taking a tour of the Seven Foot Knoll Lighthouse (MD) at the Inner Harbor

Hi Everyone!

In weather as we had yesterday, there are still people working on the Bay - ships, barges, commerce in general. 

And that is where the lighthouse comes into play. 

Seven Foot Knoll - J Candace Clifford

Lighthouses may look quaint and romantic, but lighthouses, worldwide, save mariners' lives. 

Yesterday was National Lighthouse Day, so today, and after those storms, we paid a visit to the original legendary "Seven Foot Knoll" Lighthouse.

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Is the Manitowoc (WI) lighthouse open to the public? Did anyone live in it? Here are 10 thing you may not know.

Manitwoc - The Manitowoc Breakwater Lighthouse is an oft-photographed and well-recognized beacon along the city's skyline on Lake Michigan.

Manitowoc North Breakwater, WI - Thomas A Tag

But it's much more than a pretty photo op.

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112-year-old Cleveland Harbor West Pierhead, Ohio lighthouse up for auction, bids reach $156K in first week

Have you ever dreamed of owning your own lighthouse? Here's your chance.

The Cleveland Harbor West Pierhead Light is up for auction by the U.S. General Services Administration. Bids, which began Aug. 1, have reached $156,000 within a week of it being listed.

Cleveland West Pierhead, OH - Mike & Carol McKinney

The four-story lighthouse and attached foghorn building sit at the entrance of the Cleveland Harbor and are only accessible by boat. Its four floors consist of a basement and three living spaces, with the watchtower at the very top bearing the light.

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Firsthand look at what it's like to live in a lighthouse

NBC's Today Show segment on National Lighthouse Day

Fairport Harbor West Breakwater, OH - Thomas A Tag

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St. Helena Lighthouse celebrates 150th anniversary on Aug. 18

MACKINAW CITY — The Great Lakes Lighthouse Keepers Association (GLLKA) will celebrate the 150th anniversary of St. Helena Lighthouse on Friday, Aug. 18.

St. Hellena Is MI Ralph Eshelman

All-day festivities will take place at St. Anthony Catholic Church on West Central Avenue and at the adjacent Lakeview Cemetery in Mackinaw City.

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Bids reach $16K for century-old  Keweenaw Waterway Lower Entrance Light (MI) lighthouse

CHASSELL, MI – A century-old historic Upper Peninsula lighthouse could be yours.

The Keweenaw Waterway Lower Entrance Light went up for auction earlier this month. Bidding has reached $16,000.

Keweenaw Waterway Lower Entrance, MI - Chad Kaiser

Also known as Portage Entry Light or the Portage Lake Lower Entry Light, it became an active navigational aid in 1919. The light guided mariners into the Portage River, a waterway that cuts through the Keweenaw Peninsula.

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It’s National Lighthouse Day. Why not stay in one, here in Maryland?

Let us enlighten you about the significance of this special day. 

Monday, August 7, is National Lighthouse Day, and to commemorate our friends at Airbnb have shared a list of most “wishlisted” lighthouses around the world. 

One is right here in Maryland: Calvert County’s Cove Point Lighthouse Keeper’s House.

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Ever been up in a lighthouse? Historic Pensacola Lighthouse (FL) is waiting for you to climb

The Pensacola Lighthouse, situated on Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola, provides residents and visitors of the city with stunning views overlooking sites like the Pensacola Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. The lighthouse features 177 steps on its spiral staircase to the top, where visitors will find its beacon still in working shape.

Pensacola, FL - J Candace Clifford

The lighthouse was put on the National Register of Historic Places in 1974 and has seen many moments in the history of Pensacola such as the Civil War. Visiting the lighthouse will take an hour or two out of your day and also cost admissions fees.

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The ‘new’ Cape Henry Lighthouse — built in 1881 — will open Monday for National Lighthouse Day

For more than two centuries, sailors off the Virginia shores relied on pillars of light to guide them.

National Lighthouse Day honors these towers of light and their historical significance Monday. In Virginia Beach, the Cape Henry Lighthouses at Fort Story are marking the day with the one-day-only chance to climb the site’s “newer,” active lighthouse.

Old and New Cape Henry, VA - USLHS Archives

After all, there are two Cape Henry lighthouses.

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A Special Lighthouse in Alexandria, VA

Lighthouses are not on most Northern Virginians’ minds these days, but Aug. 7 was National Lighthouse Day and this area has a special lighthouse, the Jones Point Lighthouse on the Potomac River. 

Jones Point, VA - Ralph Eshelman

“The Jones Point Lighthouse is one of the last riverine lighthouses in the country and the only one still standing in the Chesapeake Bay area,” explains the National Park Service’s website.

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U.S. Lighthouse Society News is produced by the U.S. Lighthouse Society to support lighthouse preservation, history, education and research.

If you have items of interest to the lighthouse community and its supporters, please email them to Jeremy D’Entremont at Jeremy@uslhs.org

Submitted by Ralph Krugler on