Report for Horseshoe Rear Range East Group (New Jersey) - 1908
General |
District: | 4th |
Inspector: | Thos. J. Rout, Jr, Draftsman |
Location: | About 580' (1/10 mile) S 1/8 E in rear of Lower Front (red) light of this range |
Date of Report: | 02/15/1908 |
Latitude: | 39° 52' 17" |
Longitude: | 75° 09' 00" |
Premises |
Site: | Purchase |
Date of Reservation: | |
Date of Deed: | 02/11/1881 |
Date of Permission: | |
Date of Lease: | |
Area of the Entire Site: | About 8 acres |
Area Inclosed: | About 7 acres |
Character of Soil: | Sandy |
Distance of tower from Nearest High-Water Mark: | About 610' |
Inclosures to Premises / Type of Fence: | Board & wire fences |
Wharf or Landing on Premises: | None |
Road to Land or Wharf Chararacter of and Distance: | |
Means to Reach Light Station: | By steamboat from Philadelphia during summer season to Washington Park or by electric cars from Camden NJ opposite Philadelphia to Washington Park. Station is short walk from Washington Park. |
Distance to Nearest Road: | Station is on public road. Distance to RR station (Westville) about 1 1/4 miles; to electric railway, about 1/8 mile. |
Distance to Post Office: | About 1 1/4 miles by road to Westville. |
Distance to Village: | About 1 miles by road to Westville, NJ |
Facilities for Public Conveyance: | By steamboat from Philadelphia during summer season to Washington Park or by electric cars from Camden NJ opposite Philadelphia to Washington Park. Station is short walk from Washington Park. |
Facilities for Private Conveyance: | No livery stables in Westville. It is a short walk from the steamboat landing or electric railway to station, about 1/8 mile. |
Means Used for Support of Lantern: | Wooden tower |
Number of Separate Lights: | 3 (see description of front lights) |
First Built or Established: | 1881 |
Last Rebuilt, Repaired, or Renovated: | |
Condition at This Date: | Good |
Shape of Tower in Plan: | Square |
Form of Tower: | Pyramidal |
Height from Base to Ventilator Ball: | About 48.5' |
Height of Focal Plane Above Mean High Water: | 62' |
Background of Lighthouse as Seen from Sea: | Trees |
Color of Tower: | White, lead colored trimmings, black lantern |
Color of Tower/ How Produced: | Paint |
Tower Connection: | Detached |
Object of Navigation: | Channel & range, for general navigating purposes |
Building Materials: | Wood |
General Description: | |
Wall Thickness at Base: | Walls are about 2.5" thick |
Wall Thickness at Parapet: | Walls are about 2.5" thick |
Diameter at Base: | Square 17' 6" x 17' 6" |
Diameter at Parapet: | 8' x 8' |
Kind of Stairway and Steps: | Wooden |
Number of Landings: | 4 |
Size of Glass: | Windows 1, 4, 5, & 6, 8 panes of 8" x 10"; #2 4 panes 8" x8" & 2 panes 8" x 10"; #3, 4 panes 8" x 12 |
Number of Windows and Size of Sash: | 6; 4 - 20/5" x 46.5"; 1- 20.5" x 32.5"; 1- 20.5" x 28.5" |
Number of Doors: | 3 |
Kind of Foundation and Depth Below Surface: | Masonry piers, depth not known |
Character of Soil Surrounding the Lighthouse: | Sandy |
Soil Susceptibility: | Is susceptible |
Miscellaneous Remarks: | Tower is in good condition, & well painted inside. Grounds are in good order, but fences need repairing. |
Lantern and Fixtures |
Order of Lantern: | 4th, range |
Shape of Lantern: | Polygonal |
Diameter to Glass: | About 6' 6 1/4" from opposite walls to glass. |
Diameter in the Clear: | |
Number of Sides: | 4 |
Type of Bars: | Vertical bar or post btwn 2 panes of glass |
Thickness of Bars: | |
Height Glazed: | 3' 8" |
Number of Plates in Height: | One |
Number of Plates Each Side: | 2 sides are glazed with 1 plate each |
Thickness of Plates: | About 1/4" |
Size of Plates: | 3' 8" x 3' 8" each |
Number of Storm Panes: | None |
Unglazed Side of Lantern: | 2 sides & portion of other 2 sides are unglazed, total 124 degrees |
What Bearings: | ESE 3/4 E & SW 3/8 W. Angle & bearings are reckoned from light |
Construction Material Lantern: | Wood |
Construction Material Roof / Cowl: | Tin |
Ventilator / Cowl: | Galvanized iron |
Lightning Spindle: | Galvanized iron |
Description of Lightning Rod: | 1/10" x 1.5" copper ribbon, rounded at top, extends about 12" above finial & runs down left roof & wall of lantern & tower to std. ground connection. It is fastened to spindle with 2 wrappings of copper wire. |
Balustrade: | Wood gallery covered with tin & a grillage. Balustrade wood, railing wood, top rail, iron pipe |
Lantern Doors: | 2 hinged doors. Inner one is provided with bolt & latch, outer 1 with knobs & lock |
Floor of Lantern: | Wood |
Watchroom Doors: | Hinged door provided with lock & knobs opens from watchroom to stairway leading to lantern. Trap door in lantern floor provided with hinges & lifting ring. |
Parapet Diameter: | 6' 2.5" x 6' 2.5" |
Ventilators |
Location / Number: | 2 ventilators in lower wall of lantern, each provided with brass discs |
Ladders / Cleaning Arrangement: | None |
Curtain Hooks / Hanger: | Small hooks are screwed into jamb of each window. |
Watchroom |
How is Watchroom Fitted: | Door & wooden stairway leading up to lantern, door leading down tower, 3 windows & 2 shelves |
How is Relief Called: | |
Where is Call System Led: |
Illuminating Apparatus |
Kind of Apparatus: | No machinery |
Intensity in Candles: | |
Name of Maker: | Henry LePaute A Paris |
Year Made: | Not known |
Marks and Number: | None, except name of maker |
Order of Apparatus: | 5th |
Inside Diameter: | 14 3/4" |
Light Characteristic: | Fixed white |
Time of Revolution: | Not moveable |
Flash Interval: | |
Duration of Flash: | |
Arc of Each Fixed Part: | Fixed 270 degrees |
Number of Panels: | 3 panels & 1 reflector |
Number of Flash Panels: | None |
Arc of Each: | |
Number of Elements in Central Drum: | 5 |
Number of Prisms Above Center Drum: | 5 |
Number of Prisms Below Center Drum: | 3 |
Does Apparatus Revolve?: | False |
Is There a Revolving Belt?: | False |
Revolving Panels: | |
How Flash is Produced: | No flashes |
Number of Vertical Elements Panel: | |
Fixed Lens Covered: | |
Pedestal: | Iron, 43.5" high. Rests on wooden seat 11" high |
Service Table: | Wooden shelf 16" x 19.5", supported by bracket in corner of lantern |
Draft Tube Description: | Lens has no tube, but a galvanized iron pipe hangs over center of lens & extends up into ventilator ball. |
Revolving Machinery: | Not revolving |
Standby and Description: | |
Chariot Float or Balls: | |
Chariot Description: | |
Length of Drop Tube: | None |
Clock Weight: | |
Length of Winding Time: | No machinery |
Drive During Rewind: | |
Machinery Protection: | |
Regulated: | |
Lens Protection: | |
How Color is Produced: | No color |
Red Sectors Description: | No red sectors |
Where Color Attached: | No colored glass |
Form of Colored Glass: | |
Lamp Description: | 5th order Hains lamp, 1 wick |
Type of Illuminant: | |
Number of Spare Lamps: | 1 spare lamp for this light |
Number of Spare Burners: | None, except 1 on spare lamp |
Candle Power: |
Closets and Store Rooms |
Tower Closet Use: | No closet in tower |
Oil House Description: | Frame oil house, 7' x 7' in plan, is located about 22' SE of tower. It has a hinged door, but no shelves |
Oil House Inside Dimension: | |
Oil House Construction Material: | |
Oil House Capacity: | |
Other (Describe): | Pantry on 1st floor of dwelling, having shelves & used for storage of food. 4 closets on 2nd floor. 1 has shelves; all used for clothes. Cellar under dwelling used for storage purposes. |
Suitability: | Dry & suitable |
Dwelling |
Location: | 1 dwelling serves for Keeper of Horseshoe E Group Range (3 lights). About 2' W of rear tower, about 560' S of front red light & 825' SW of front white light |
Coloring: | White, lead colored trimmings, green shutters |
Construction Materials: | Wood, stone foundation |
Number of Rooms: | 7 |
Number of Dwellings: | |
Heating Plant: | |
Number of Keepers: | 1 |
Furnished Quarters: | |
NOT Furnished Quarters: | |
Outhouses: | Frame barn, frame oil house, frame privy |
Outhouse Coloring: | White, lead colored trimmings |
Paths and Walks: | Brick & wooden walks |
Area Inclosed: | About 7 acres - board & wire fences |
Area of Garden: | About 4 ares |
Area Timber or Shrubbery: | None |
Cultivation Area Available: | About 4 acres |
Area Cultivated: | About 4 acres |
Character of Surroundings: | Farming land |
Stove, Maker: | |
Stove, Size: | |
Sink, Maker: | |
Sink, Size: | |
Pump, Maker: | |
Pump, Size: | |
Lamps: |
Water |
How Procured: | From 2 wells. Cistern not now in use |
Quality: | Good |
Quantity: | Ample |
Injury Possible: | Not liable |
Purity Precaution: | No tank. Cisterns not in use |
Tank Capacity: | Cistern under dwelling, cap about 2200 gals |
Tank Material: | Brick |
Distilling Apparatus: | False |
Distilling Manufacturer: | |
Well Description: | 2 driven wells, #1 abt 10' dep, soft water; #2 13.5' deep - has pump pit, 3' dia & 5' deep with 4" brick lining. |
Well Diameter: | 1.5" (both) |
Well Lining: | Iron pipe |
Pump or Bucket: | Pumps |
What Power Used: | |
Distance from Dwelling: | #1 under dwelling; #2 near barn abt 70' from dwell |
Healthfulness |
General Opinion: | Healthful |
Diseases: | None |
Prevalency: | |
Local Causes: | |
Recommended Improvements: | No |
Miscellaneous |
Access to Lighthouse: | |
Distance and Direction: | |
Miscellaneous Remarks: | Premises in good condition. Tower well painted inside but soon will need painting outside. Grounds well graded & in grass. It would be very convenient for keeper if door were cut from pantry to kitchen & small closet placed in tower. |