Report for Cape St. Elias (Alaska) - 1916

District: 16th
Inspector: R.R. Tinkham
Location: S end Kayak Island, on wooded bluff W'ly from highest part of Cape.
Date of Report: 09/03/1916
Latitude: 59° 47' 48" N
Longitude: 144° 36' 18" W
Site: Public land reserved for Lighthouse purposes by Executive Order.
Date of Reservation: 09/07/1914
Date of Deed:
Date of Permission:
Date of Lease:
Area of the Entire Site: Approx. 675 acres
Area Inclosed: None
Character of Soil:
Distance of tower from Nearest High-Water Mark: 225'
Inclosures to Premises / Type of Fence:
Wharf or Landing on Premises: None; land directly on beach
Road to Land or Wharf Chararacter of and Distance:
Means to Reach Light Station: By boat only
Distance to Nearest Road:
Distance to Post Office: 25 miles, Katalla
Distance to Village:
Facilities for Public Conveyance:
Facilities for Private Conveyance:
Means Used for Support of Lantern: Tower
Number of Separate Lights: 1
First Built or Established: Built 1915-1916; Light est. Sept. 6, 1916
Last Rebuilt, Repaired, or Renovated: New station
Condition at This Date:
Shape of Tower in Plan:
Form of Tower:
Height from Base to Ventilator Ball:
Height of Focal Plane Above Mean High Water: 85'
Background of Lighthouse as Seen from Sea: Dark spruce trees on steep bluff.
Color of Tower: Gray
Color of Tower/ How Produced: Natural concrete
Tower Connection: Detached; is connected to fog signal bldg as integral part of SW corner
Object of Navigation: Seacoast; general navigation
Building Materials: Concrete; reinforced with steel
General Description:
Wall Thickness at Base:
Wall Thickness at Parapet:
Diameter at Base:
Diameter at Parapet:
Kind of Stairway and Steps: Spiral, cast iron
Number of Landings:
Size of Glass: Tower room, 12" x 33"; service room 9" x 14"; watchroom 11" x 16" all glass polished wire plate
Number of Windows and Size of Sash: 2 in service room 3' 2" x 20"; 1 in lower wall 2' 10" x 6' 5"
Number of Doors: 1 - 3' 4" x 7' into fog signal room
Kind of Foundation and Depth Below Surface: Foundation on heavy reinforced concrete footings on hard pan, reached thru surface vegetation & loose shingle.
Character of Soil Surrounding the Lighthouse:
Soil Susceptibility:
Miscellaneous Remarks:
Lantern and Fixtures
Order of Lantern: 2nd
Shape of Lantern: Cylindrical
Diameter to Glass: 9' 9 1/4"
Diameter in the Clear:
Number of Sides:
Type of Bars: Helical
Thickness of Bars: 13/16"
Height Glazed: 8' 2"
Number of Plates in Height: 2
Number of Plates Each Side:
Thickness of Plates: 5/16"
Size of Plates: Curved glass, 54 panes
Number of Storm Panes:
Unglazed Side of Lantern:
What Bearings:
Construction Material Lantern: Cast & wrought iron, brass & bronze
Construction Material Roof / Cowl: Conical of C.I. flanged plates & wrought iron railing.
Ventilator / Cowl: Cast iron, spherical with pinnacle
Lightning Spindle: Brass, platinum tip; total length 3'
Description of Lightning Rod:
Balustrade: Wrought iron, circular
Lantern Doors: 1 to gallery, bronze glazed, brass fitted.
Floor of Lantern: Cast iron flanged plates
Watchroom Doors: None; open well
Parapet Diameter:
Location / Number: Lower ring of lantern & in watchroom walls
Ladders / Cleaning Arrangement: 1 steel, double rounds
Curtain Hooks / Hanger: For roller spring shades.

How is Watchroom Fitted: Serves as lower part of lantern; has vestibule w/ 2 doors on outside main gallery. Pedestal & clockwork on this floor, room furnished with table, chair & locker.
How is Relief Called: None, is equipped with bell alarm.
Where is Call System Led:
Illuminating Apparatus
Kind of Apparatus: 6 hours
Intensity in Candles: 300,000
Name of Maker: Assembled in 3rd district
Year Made: 1915
Marks and Number: USLHS No. 312
Order of Apparatus: 3rd
Inside Diameter: 1000 mm
Light Characteristic:
Time of Revolution: 20 sec double flash
Flash Interval: 4.2 & 14.2 sec
Duration of Flash: 0.8 sec
Arc of Each Fixed Part:
Number of Panels: 2
Number of Flash Panels: 2
Arc of Each: 135 degrees
Number of Elements in Central Drum: Bullseye & 6 concentric elements
Number of Prisms Above Center Drum: 10, flash
Number of Prisms Below Center Drum: 4, flash
Does Apparatus Revolve?: True
Is There a Revolving Belt?: False
Revolving Panels:
How Flash is Produced:
Number of Vertical Elements Panel:
Fixed Lens Covered:
Pedestal: Hollow cast iron, cylindrical, open 4 sides
Service Table:
Draft Tube Description: Galv. iron, same dia. as damper tube, extends from 5" above lens to cone below ventilator ball.
Revolving Machinery:
Standby and Description:
Chariot Float or Balls: Mercury float & balls
Chariot Description:
Length of Drop Tube: 30' 8" below lantern floor
Clock Weight: 270 lbs
Length of Winding Time: 6 hours
Drive During Rewind: No
Machinery Protection: Within pedestal in glass case
Regulated: Fan governor & changing weights
Lens Protection: No
How Color is Produced:
Red Sectors Description:
Where Color Attached:
Form of Colored Glass:
Lamp Description: Type B
Type of Illuminant: IOV
Number of Spare Lamps: Use 2 (on hand) - 1 spare ordered
Number of Spare Burners: 6 heating tubes
Candle Power: 3500

Clock Cord Description
Revolving Cord: Twisted wire
Size of Clock Cord: 3/16"
Length of Clock Cord: 75'
How Led: Direct-double purchase
Diameter and Length of Clock Drum: 4.5" dia; 4 3/4" length

Chariot Balls
Balls Description: V groove (cage used for thrust bearing only)
Cage to Separate Balls: True
Number of Balls:
Diameter of Balls: Thrust bearing 7/8"; Upper annular, 5/8"; Lower 9/16"

Vapor Oil Lamp
Number of Wicks or Mantels: 2 oil tanks, 1 air tank all connected. 3 mantles
Diameter of Outside Wick:
Diameter of Mantel: 55 mm each
Diameter of Circum Circle: 5"

Mercury Float
Inside Diameter of Trough: 34.5"
Inside Depth of Trough: 9.5"
Outside Diameter of Float: 34 3/8"
Depth of Float: 9 9/16"
Weight of Mercury in Pounds: 75 lbs
How Often is Mercury Renewed:
Closets and Store Rooms
Tower Closet Use: 2 detached cupboards on main floor for storage of miscellaneous light & fog signal supplies.
Oil House Description: Upper part of storage bldg NE'ly from signal bldg, fitted with tanks piped to signal & tower
Oil House Inside Dimension: 14' x 25'
Oil House Construction Material: Reinforced concrete
Oil House Capacity: 2 fuel oil tanks, total 2760 gal. 2 illuminating oil tanks, total 2515 gal. Oil is piped direct from tanks to service room & fog signal engines.
Other (Describe): Illuminating oil is elevated to service room by Bowser self measuring pump. Bowser pump is too inaccurate in measuring to be direct connected, so oil is taken from pump into regular measures & thence poured into IOV oil tanks.
Fog Signal General
Fog Signal Kind: 1st class air siren 6"
Time to Start: 12 mm
How Long Will Pressure Last: 1 minute - 2 blasts
Year of Manufacture:
Characteristic: 4 sec blast, 4 sec silent, 4 sec blast, 48 sec silent
Duplication: All parts, except preheater & muffler.
Timing Device: Crosby automatic
If whistle, siren, or trumpet, Pressure at Which Blown: Siren 45#
Height Above Water: 57'
Compass Direction: C.L. 208 degrees 45' (S 28 degrees 45' W)
Location: Lighthouse attached at SW corner. Located N'ly, 2.5 miles from SE Rock, farthest outlying danger.
Distance and Direction: Attached
Water Supply: Cisterns in storage bldg, both rain & spring water.
Reached from Lighthouse: Attached
Description of Fog Signal Building: Reinforced concrete construction, walls lined with terra cotta tile plastered, windows & doors of ingot iron hollow metal construction, hip roof on steel trusses, sheathed & shingled with asbestos slates, diagonal method. Floors, concrete.
Pressure And Recording Gauge: Pressure gauge on HP receiver; Recording gauge on LP
Siren Signal
Siren: Cylindrical
Siren Diameter: 6"
Siren Built Date:
Siren Manufacturer: G.D.
Siren Ports:
Siren Revolutions:
Siren Governor: None
Siren Condition: New

Internal Combustion Signal
Fog Signal Kind:
Internal Combustion Kind: Horizontal
Internal Combustion Manufacturer: Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co.
Internal Combustion Date: 1915
Internal Combustion Size: 10.5 - 6.5 x 10
Internal Combustion Horsepower: 18
Internal Combustion Fuel: 26 crude
Internal Combustion Starter: Torch
Compressor Maker: CPT Co. Nos. 6021 & 6023, Type N-50
Compressor Seat: Both, same rod
Compressor Machinery:
Compressor Diameter: 6.5"
Compressor Stroke: 10
Compressor RPMs: 230
Character of Air Inlet: "Simplate" flat disk type
Kind of Unloader: Spring
Diameter of Delivery Pipe: 3.5"

Trumpet Signal
Trumpet: Double mouth
Trumpet Length: 6' 4" to junct.
Trumpet Diameter: 6 3/8" x 18"
Trumpet Material: Copper #14 g. B&S

Air Receiver
Number: 2
Diameter: 3'
Height: 9'
Capacity Cubic Feet: 63.6 cu ft
Pressure in Each: H 75#; L 45#
Make of Reducing Valve: Mason
Remarks: Tanks 1/4" shell, 3/8" heads stand on end.
Construction Materials:
Number of Rooms: 8 & bath
Number of Dwellings: 1
Heating Plant: American Radiator Co. "Arco" 5-23-W. There are 11 "Peerless" radiators (cast iron) 1 in each room, upper & lower hall & auto expansion tank in bathroom.
Number of Keepers:
Furnished Quarters:
NOT Furnished Quarters:
Outhouse Coloring:
Paths and Walks:
Area Inclosed:
Area of Garden:
Area Timber or Shrubbery:
Cultivation Area Available:
Area Cultivated:
Character of Surroundings: Wooded slopes, sand & shingle beach
Stove, Maker: Malleable Iron Range Co.; Beaver Dam, WI
Stove, Size: "Monarch", style N-#1426
Sink, Maker: Std. Sanitary Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh
Sink, Size: 20" x 30" - P 6800D, p414 Book "P"
Pump, Maker: None
Pump, Size:
Lamps: 4 lighthouse table stand lamps.
How Procured: Rain off from roofs & pumping from spring
Quality: Excellent
Quantity: Ample
Injury Possible: Supply from spring liable to be interrupted. Rainwater supply ample & protected
Purity Precaution: Water drawn from separate well after passing brick filter wall.
Tank Capacity: Storage bldg - 10,300 gal; Dwelling attic - 2000 gal.
Tank Material: Cisterns of reinforced concrete, dampproofed & plastered; dwelling tanks, 5 in number of #18gg galv. ingot iron 2' 9" dia x 5' high.
Distilling Apparatus: False
Distilling Manufacturer:
Well Description:
Well Diameter:
Well Lining:
Pump or Bucket:
What Power Used:
Distance from Dwelling:
General Opinion: Excellent
Diseases: None
Local Causes: No
Recommended Improvements:
Access to Lighthouse: Landing direct on either W or E beach, latter most suitable. Rail trams, 48" gg, connect both beaches with boathouse & other station bldgs
Distance and Direction: 200' either direction.
Miscellaneous Remarks: Service room, below watchroom, cast iron floor, is provided with air lock of steel plate; room contains IOV air & oil (2) tanks, air pump & Bowser oil service pump.
Boat #1
Boat Number: 46
Type: Dory
Length: 6'
Width: 20' 6"
When Built: 1916
Date Harbored at Station: Apr. 1916
Sails: False
Suited to Work: Yes
Boat #2
Boat Number: 47
Type: Dory
Length: 5' 8"
Width: 19'
When Built: 1916
Date Harbored at Station: Sept. 1916
Sails: False
Suited to Work: Yes

Hoisting Engines
Hoisting Engine Kind: Internal combustion, vertical
Engine RPMs: 350
Engine Diameter: 6" (6 hp)
Engine Stroke:
Engine Boiler:
Engine Maker and Date: Fairbanks Morse & Co., 1915
Serial Number:
Cylinders and Size:
Horsepower: 6 & 9
Hoist Starter:
Hoist Miscellaneous: Type "T" single drum 1/2" steel hoist cable.

General Information:
Boats on Station: In boathouse