Report for Cape Hinchinbrook Light Station (Alaska) - 1913

District: 13th
Location: On Southwestern peninsula of Hinchinbrook Island, eastern side of Hinchinbrook Entrance to Prince William Sound.
Date of Report: 10/18/1913
Latitude: 60° 14' 05"
Longitude: 146° 39' 06"
Site: Public lands set aside by Executive order
Date of Reservation: 11/29/1913
Date of Deed:
Date of Permission:
Date of Lease:
Area of the Entire Site: About 8.5 sq. miles.
Area Inclosed: None
Character of Soil:
Distance of tower from Nearest High-Water Mark: 75 feet
Inclosures to Premises / Type of Fence: None.
Wharf or Landing on Premises: Wharf in small cove 440 feet N 70 degrees W of tower.
Road to Land or Wharf Chararacter of and Distance:
Means to Reach Light Station: By boat only;
Distance to Nearest Road:
Distance to Post Office: Cordova; distance about 52 miles.
Distance to Village:
Facilities for Public Conveyance:
Facilities for Private Conveyance:
Means Used for Support of Lantern: Concrete tower rising from center of 2 story octagonal shaped building.
Number of Separate Lights: 1
First Built or Established: 1910
Last Rebuilt, Repaired, or Renovated: Findished in Nov. 1910.
Condition at This Date:
Shape of Tower in Plan:
Form of Tower:
Height from Base to Ventilator Ball:
Height of Focal Plane Above Mean High Water: 235 feet
Background of Lighthouse as Seen from Sea: Trees
Color of Tower: Cement, natural
Color of Tower/ How Produced:
Tower Connection: The tower is on the keeper's dwelling.
Object of Navigation: Seacoast, general
Building Materials: Concrete
General Description:
Wall Thickness at Base:
Wall Thickness at Parapet:
Diameter at Base:
Diameter at Parapet:
Kind of Stairway and Steps: Iron
Number of Landings:
Size of Glass: 20" x 20"
Number of Windows and Size of Sash: 4, 2' 0" x 4' 0"
Number of Doors: 3, 2' 8" x 6' 8"
Kind of Foundation and Depth Below Surface:
Character of Soil Surrounding the Lighthouse:
Soil Susceptibility:
Miscellaneous Remarks: General type of structure is a 2 story octagonal shaped concrete building surmounted centrally by a low concrete tower & lantern. 1 story annex on S'ly face of building.
Lantern and Fixtures
Order of Lantern: 1st
Shape of Lantern: Polygonal
Diameter to Glass:
Diameter in the Clear:
Number of Sides: 16
Type of Bars: Vertical
Thickness of Bars:
Height Glazed: 9' 9 7/8"
Number of Plates in Height: 3
Number of Plates Each Side: 3
Thickness of Plates: 3/8"
Size of Plates: Upper; 3' 11" x 2' 4", middle 3' 3" x 2' 4", lower; 2' 6" x 2' 4"
Number of Storm Panes:
Unglazed Side of Lantern: None.
What Bearings:
Construction Material Lantern: Wrought & cast iron.
Construction Material Roof / Cowl: Cast iron
Ventilator / Cowl: Cast iron.
Lightning Spindle: Brass with platinum point.
Description of Lightning Rod:
Balustrade: Iron
Lantern Doors: Brass cast, brass hinges & lock with glass panels.
Floor of Lantern: Cast iron plates.
Watchroom Doors: No door, hatchway.
Parapet Diameter:
Location / Number: In watchroom
Ladders / Cleaning Arrangement: Iron
Curtain Hooks / Hanger: Brass, screwed to lantern posts.

How is Watchroom Fitted: No fittings.
How is Relief Called: None
Where is Call System Led:
Illuminating Apparatus
Kind of Apparatus: 3 hours
Intensity in Candles: 650,000 cp
Name of Maker: Barhar, Benard & Turenne
Year Made: Unknown
Marks and Number: U. S. L. H. E. 320
Order of Apparatus: 3rd
Inside Diameter: 3' 3.4"
Light Characteristic:
Time of Revolution: 20 seconds
Flash Interval: Every 5 seconds
Duration of Flash: 0.4 seconds, 4.6 seconds eclipse
Arc of Each Fixed Part:
Number of Panels: 4
Number of Flash Panels: 4
Arc of Each: 90 degrees
Number of Elements in Central Drum: 7
Number of Prisms Above Center Drum: 11
Number of Prisms Below Center Drum: 4
Does Apparatus Revolve?: True
Is There a Revolving Belt?: False
Revolving Panels:
How Flash is Produced:
Number of Vertical Elements Panel:
Fixed Lens Covered:
Pedestal: 13.25" column surmounting float & supporting lens plate.
Service Table:
Draft Tube Description: None.
Revolving Machinery:
Standby and Description:
Chariot Float or Balls: Mercury float
Chariot Description:
Length of Drop Tube:
Clock Weight: 185 lbs.
Length of Winding Time: 3 hours
Drive During Rewind: Yes
Machinery Protection: By metal case 22.5" high fitted with 6 glass doors. Glass back panel.
Regulated: By adjusting govarnor.
Lens Protection: Yes, cloth
How Color is Produced:
Red Sectors Description:
Where Color Attached:
Form of Colored Glass:
Lamp Description: Type A, 2 tank system, 3rd order
Type of Illuminant: I.O.V.
Number of Spare Lamps: 1
Number of Spare Burners: Not known but spare parts are kept on hand.
Candle Power: 1000 cp

Clock Cord Description
Revolving Cord: Cord
Size of Clock Cord: 3/4"
Length of Clock Cord: 96.5 feet
How Led: Through 2 single blocks
Diameter and Length of Clock Drum: 10" x 7"

Vapor Oil Lamp
Number of Wicks or Mantels: 1 mantel
Diameter of Outside Wick:
Diameter of Mantel: 55mm
Diameter of Circum Circle:

Mercury Float
Inside Diameter of Trough: 4' 1.5"
Inside Depth of Trough: 7.5"
Outside Diameter of Float: 4'
Depth of Float: 7.75'
Weight of Mercury in Pounds: 187 LBS.
How Often is Mercury Renewed: Has not been renewed since station was placed open
Closets and Store Rooms
Tower Closet Use: No closets in tower.
Oil House Description: 50 feet west of main building.
Oil House Inside Dimension: 8' x 8' x 8' 6"
Oil House Construction Material: Frame, concrete foundation.
Oil House Capacity: 600 - 5 gal. cans.
Other (Describe): On 1st floor, not fitted, used as oil room
Suitability: Suited for purppose intended.
Fog Signal General
Fog Signal Kind: 1st Class air siren
Time to Start: 15 to 20 minutes
How Long Will Pressure Last: Only a few blasts.
Year of Manufacture:
Characteristic: 5 sec. blast, 40 sec. silent, 5 sec. blast, 40 sec. silent.
Duplication: Engine, compressor, blast device & sirens.
Timing Device: Geared to engine by chain drive & belt.
If whistle, siren, or trumpet, Pressure at Which Blown: 39 lbs.
Height Above Water: 198 feet
Compass Direction: South (180 degrees)
Location: In same building as light, 1sst floor, southerly side.
Distance and Direction: In same building
Water Supply: From cisterns.
Reached from Lighthouse: In same building.
Description of Fog Signal Building: All machinery; work-rooms, oil fuel, furnace, water tanks & provision rooms contained in 1st floor of 2 story concrete building, the upper floor of which is used for keepers' quarters.
Pressure And Recording Gauge: Recording pressure gauge installed May 19, 1912. American Steam Gauge & Valve Mfg. Co., Boston
Siren Signal
Siren Diameter: 6"
Siren Built Date: Unknown
Siren Manufacturer: Furnished by 3rd District
Siren Ports: 43 ports, 1/8" x 2.75"
Siren Revolutions:
Siren Governor:
Siren Condition: Good

Internal Combustion Signal
Fog Signal Kind:
Internal Combustion Kind: Oil
Internal Combustion Manufacturer: Meitz & Weiss, NY
Internal Combustion Date: May 1, 1906
Internal Combustion Size: 10 x 12
Internal Combustion Horsepower: 18 HP
Internal Combustion Fuel: Mineral oil
Internal Combustion Starter: Kerosene torch
Compressor Maker: The J. Geo. Leyner Engine Works,
Compressor Seat: Same bed, chain drive
Compressor Machinery:
Compressor Diameter: 5.5"
Compressor Stroke: 10"
Compressor RPMs: 135 rpm
Character of Air Inlet: Disc 5"
Kind of Unloader: Erie 3"
Diameter of Delivery Pipe: 2"

Air Receiver
Number: 1
Diameter: 4'
Height: 20' 8"
Capacity Cubic Feet: 258
Pressure in Each: 80 lbs.
Make of Reducing Valve:
Location: Same building, 2nd floor
Coloring: Natural cement.
Construction Materials: Concrete
Number of Rooms: 8
Number of Dwellings: 1
Heating Plant: Boyton return flue hot water heater #1227, Heating capacity 1500 Sq. ft. 17 radiators.
Number of Keepers: 3
Furnished Quarters:
NOT Furnished Quarters:
Outhouses: Shop & store house; oil & paint house; engine & coal house; boat house; engine house at derrick.
Outhouse Coloring: White, red roof.
Paths and Walks: Concrete to oil house & shop
Area Inclosed: None.
Area of Garden:
Area Timber or Shrubbery:
Cultivation Area Available:
Area Cultivated: None.
Character of Surroundings: Woods, soft tundra or vegetable matter over rock.
Stove, Maker: Majectic Mfg. Co. St. Louis
Stove, Size: 38.5" wide, 28.5" deep
Sink, Maker: Standard
Sink, Size: 20" x 30"
Pump, Maker: Blacke & Knowles, N. & Boston
Pump, Size: 4.5" x 2.75" x 4"
Lamps: 6 table lamps, 6 hand lamps, 6 hand lanterns.
How Procured: Drains from roof.
Quality: Good.
Quantity: Yes.
Injury Possible: No.
Purity Precaution: In cistern, filter wall of soft burnt brick, laid in cement mortar.
Tank Capacity: 1 cistern 11,850 gals., 1 tank 5000 gals, 1 tank 1000 gals.
Tank Material: Cistern of concrete, tanks of wood.
Distilling Apparatus: False
Distilling Manufacturer:
Well Description:
Well Diameter:
Well Lining:
Pump or Bucket: Pump from cistern
What Power Used: Hand
Distance from Dwelling: Cistern 18 feet. tanks in dwelling.
General Opinion: Excellent
Diseases: None
Local Causes:
Recommended Improvements:
Access to Lighthouse: Landing on beach, best at half or lower tides, boat house on bluff above landing, tramway from landing to building.
Distance and Direction: 440 ft. N 70 degrees W
Miscellaneous Remarks: 2 engines, lower hoisting engine #4321, Upper hoisting engine #4322.
Boat #1
Boat Number: 31
Type: Whaleboat
Length: 4.5'
Width: 14'
When Built: Unknown
Date Harbored at Station: Oct. 1910
Sails: True
Suited to Work: Yes
Boat #2
Boat Number: 32
Type: Skiff
Length: 3' 7"
Width: 15'
When Built: Unknown
Date Harbored at Station: Aug. 31, 1912
Sails: False
Suited to Work: Yes

Hoisting Engines
Hoisting Engine Kind:
Engine RPMs: 550
Engine Diameter: 6"
Engine Stroke: 6.5"
Engine Boiler:
Engine Maker and Date: Meitz & weiss, NY, May 1, 1906
Serial Number:
Cylinders and Size: 2 cylinder
Horsepower: 12 HP
Fuel: Kerosene
Hoist Starter:
Hoist Miscellaneous:

General Information:
Boats on Station: In boathouse