Report for Two Harbors (Minnesota) - 1910

District: 11th
Inspector: Oliver G. Brown
Location: On point of land separating Agate & Burlington Bays, entrance to Two Harbors, Minn. N'ly shore of the W'ly end of Lake Superior
Date of Report: 09/11/1910
Latitude: 47° 00' 50"
Longitude: 91° 39' 49"
Site: Purchase in lot 3, Sec. 6, T. 52 N. R 10 W. M.
Date of Reservation:
Date of Deed: 03/07/1891
Date of Permission:
Date of Lease:
Area of the Entire Site: 1 acre & 2 narrow strips totaling 9,875 sq. ft.
Area Inclosed: One acre
Character of Soil: Trap rock
Distance of tower from Nearest High-Water Mark:
Inclosures to Premises / Type of Fence: Page wire fence surrounds entire premises
Wharf or Landing on Premises: Timber crib landing about 450' W'ly from tower.
Road to Land or Wharf Chararacter of and Distance: Tramway leads from fog signal to landing.
Means to Reach Light Station: Light-station is located in town of Two Harbors, Minn.
Distance to Nearest Road: Duluth & Iron Range RR & Booth Dock at Two Harbors
Distance to Post Office: Light-station is located in town of Two Harbors, Minn.
Distance to Village: Light-station is located in town of Two Harbors, Minn.
Facilities for Public Conveyance:
Facilities for Private Conveyance: Light-station is located in town of Two Harbors, Minn. Duluth & Iron Range RR & Booth Dock at Two Harbors
Means Used for Support of Lantern: Tower
Number of Separate Lights: 1
First Built or Established: 1892
Last Rebuilt, Repaired, or Renovated:
Condition at This Date: Good
Shape of Tower in Plan: Square
Form of Tower: Square prism
Height from Base to Ventilator Ball: 49' 6"
Height of Focal Plane Above Mean High Water: 78'
Background of Lighthouse as Seen from Sea: Wooded
Color of Tower: Natural red brick color
Color of Tower/ How Produced:
Tower Connection: Tower rises from SW corner of Keeper's dwelling
Object of Navigation:
Building Materials: Brick lined inside with wooden ceiling.
General Description:
Wall Thickness at Base: 10" Outer wall; 2" air space; 4" inner wall.
Wall Thickness at Parapet: 10" Outer wall; 2" air space; 4" inner wall.
Diameter at Base: 12' 8"
Diameter at Parapet: 12' 8"
Kind of Stairway and Steps: Wooden winding stairs
Number of Landings: 3 landings & lantern floor
Size of Glass: 15 & 18; 4 circular 14" diam.
Number of Windows and Size of Sash: 1 double window; lower sash 45" x 18 3/4"; upper 17" x 18 3/4"
Number of Doors:
Kind of Foundation and Depth Below Surface: Solid rock formation
Character of Soil Surrounding the Lighthouse: Outcropping trap rock - sod in some places.
Soil Susceptibility: Grass & trees grown in some places.
Miscellaneous Remarks: Additional deed, Feb. 14, 1902. Square red brick tower rising from SW corner of 2-story red brick dwelling.
Lantern and Fixtures
Order of Lantern: 4th
Shape of Lantern: Polygonal
Diameter to Glass: 7'
Diameter in the Clear:
Number of Sides: 8
Type of Bars: Vertical
Thickness of Bars:
Height Glazed: 3'
Number of Plates in Height: 1
Number of Plates Each Side: 1
Thickness of Plates: 5/16"
Size of Plates: 34" x 36"
Number of Storm Panes: None
Unglazed Side of Lantern: All sides are glazed
What Bearings:
Construction Material Lantern: Lower part cast iron lined with steel plates; Upper wrought iron
Construction Material Roof / Cowl: Cast iron pyramidal roof - lined with sheet zinc inside. No lens protector
Ventilator / Cowl: Cast iron
Lightning Spindle: Copper with platinum tip
Description of Lightning Rod: 2" x 1/8" copper strip attached to gallery floor & runs down outside of tower into rocks below.
Balustrade: 3 rails. 2" x 1/2" iron bars. Vertical spindles between 2 lower rails. Vert. stanchions with ball tops. Floor is cast iron & square in plan
Lantern Doors: Double fold iron door leads from parapet to outer gallery
Floor of Lantern: Cast iron floor - iron trap door leads down steps to service room.
Watchroom Doors: No door.
Parapet Diameter: 6' 7 1/4"
Location / Number: 4 ventilators in lower part of lantern
Ladders / Cleaning Arrangement: None
Curtain Hooks / Hanger: Hooks screwed to soffit.

How is Watchroom Fitted: Equipped with wooden cupboard & 2 sets of shelves used for storing lamps &c. Lighted with 4 circular windows that swing inside. Iron ladder leads up to lantern.
How is Relief Called: Electric wire connected to clock work gives signal to keeper when machinery stops
Where is Call System Led: Wire leads down inside of tower & bell is placed in hall at 1st floor.
Illuminating Apparatus
Kind of Apparatus: 4 hours 30 min.
Intensity in Candles:
Name of Maker: USLHE
Year Made:
Marks and Number: 415
Order of Apparatus: 4th
Inside Diameter:
Light Characteristic: Red flash every 5 secs.
Time of Revolution: 20 secs.
Flash Interval: 5 sec.
Duration of Flash:
Arc of Each Fixed Part: No fixed part
Number of Panels: 4
Number of Flash Panels: 4
Arc of Each:
Number of Elements in Central Drum: Each panel is made of bulls-eye of 3 concentric circular elements
Number of Prisms Above Center Drum: 6
Number of Prisms Below Center Drum: 4
Does Apparatus Revolve?: True
Is There a Revolving Belt?: False
Revolving Panels:
How Flash is Produced: Vertical shaft fastened to lens & connected to clockwork causes the lens to revolve.
Number of Vertical Elements Panel:
Fixed Lens Covered:
Pedestal: Upper table brass supported by 4 cyl. brass legs & rotating upon another brass table also supported by 4 brass legs & resting on lantern floor. Lower table supports clock case.
Service Table: No service table
Draft Tube Description: None
Revolving Machinery: Clock machinery drives a vertical shaft in center of pedestal, which is fastened to base of lens
Standby and Description:
Chariot Float or Balls: Ball
Chariot Description:
Length of Drop Tube: Full length of tower to 1st floor. Wooden drop tube 14" sq.
Clock Weight:
Length of Winding Time: 4 hours 30 min.
Drive During Rewind:
Machinery Protection: Brass bound case with glass panels
Regulated: Fan governors
Lens Protection:
How Color is Produced: Ruby screens hung outside of flash panels of lens & totally covering them.
Red Sectors Description:
Where Color Attached: Illuminating apparatus
Form of Colored Glass:
Lamp Description: 4th order oil vapor lamp & 4th ord. Funk Hp. Note: base of lens is equipped with set of helical lugs so lens can be raised to take weight off balls when not in motion.
Type of Illuminant:
Number of Spare Lamps:
Number of Spare Burners:
Candle Power:

Clock Cord Description
Revolving Cord: Wire cable
Size of Clock Cord: 1/4"
Length of Clock Cord:
How Led: Wound around drum in clock case, runs down thro lantern floor over 2 sheaves, thro pulley to which weights are attached & thence to sheave in top of drop tube.
Diameter and Length of Clock Drum:

Chariot Balls
Balls Description: Semi-circular
Cage to Separate Balls: False
Number of Balls: 20
Diameter of Balls: 1/2"

Vapor Oil Lamp
Number of Wicks or Mantels:
Diameter of Outside Wick: 1-1/2"
Diameter of Mantel:
Diameter of Circum Circle:
Closets and Store Rooms
Tower Closet Use: 1 cupboard in service room directly under lantern
Oil House Description: 75' W of tower
Oil House Inside Dimension: 7' x 5' 4" x 8' high
Oil House Construction Material: Brick
Oil House Capacity:
Other (Describe): 4 closets on 2nd floor of keeper's dwelling also cellar; 1 closet on 1st floor & 1 on 2nd floor of asst. keeper's dwelling.
Fog Signal General
Fog Signal Kind: 10" steam whistle
Time to Start: 30 min.
How Long Will Pressure Last:
Year of Manufacture:
Characteristic: 5 sec blast 17 sec silent; 5 sec blast 33 sec silent
Timing Device: Spur & worm gear operating cam
If whistle, siren, or trumpet, Pressure at Which Blown: Whistle at 75#
Height Above Water:
Compass Direction:
Location: Located about 100' SSW from lighthouse
Distance and Direction:
Water Supply: Fire plug draws water from cisterns near lake.
Reached from Lighthouse: By concrete walk - about 100'
Description of Fog Signal Building: Corrugated iron bldg. & roof of same material - 22' x 40' in plan - inside lined with sheet iron - brick foundation.
Pressure And Recording Gauge:
Steam Signal
Steam Boiler:
Kind: Standard locomotive
Tube: Tubuler
Dimensions: Ht. 5' 3-1/2"
Length: 15' 6"
Diameter: 3' 10"
Tube Description: 58 tubes 8' long
Steam Tube Diameter: 2-1/2"
Steam Furnace Kind: Locomotive
Furnace Length: 5'
Furnace Width: 3' 3-1/4"
Furnace Height: 3' 11"
Steam Heat Surface: 371 sq. ft.
Steam Grate Surface: 16-1/4 sq. ft.
Number of Grate Bars: 16
Kind of Grate Bars: Double 58" long
Steam Fuel: Soft
Steam Safety Valve: Lever, 2-1/2" valve, single side outlet.
Steam Maximum Pressure: 150#
Steam Working Pressure: 75#
Steam Diameter of Smokestack: 20"
Smokestack Height: 40' brick chimney
Drum Dimension: 4' long
Steam Drum Diameter: 30"
Steam Covering: Compound
Steam Boiler Condition: Good
Steam Boiler Built: 1892
Where Built: Cleveland, Ohio
Manufacturer: Variety Iron Works
Steam Heater: True
Kind: Gurney 402
Heater Time Affect:
Steam Engine Kind: Vertical
Steam Engine Revolutions: 120 rpm
Steam Engine Cyl. Diameter: 4"
Steam Engine Piston Stroke: 9"
Steam Engine Pipe Size: 3/4"
Steam Engine When Built:
Steam Engine Where Built: Cleveland, Ohio
Manufacturer: Thos, Manning & Co.

Whistle Signal
Whistle Diameter: 10"
Whistle Height: 18"
Whistle Orifice: 2-3/8" to 2-11/16"
Whistle Tone: Single
Whistle Chime:
Location: Tower rises from roof of dwelling
Coloring: Red
Construction Materials: Brick
Number of Rooms: 6
Number of Dwellings: 1
Heating Plant:
Number of Keepers: Keeper & family & 2nd asst.
Furnished Quarters:
NOT Furnished Quarters:
Outhouses: Barn, privy, oil house, boat house & power house.
Outhouse Coloring: Red
Paths and Walks: Concrete walks lead from dwelling to all outhouses except barn.
Area Inclosed: 1 acre enclosed by wire fence
Area of Garden: 1/10 acre
Area Timber or Shrubbery: None
Cultivation Area Available: 1/10 acre
Area Cultivated: 1/10 acre
Character of Surroundings: Rocky
Stove, Maker:
Stove, Size:
Sink, Maker:
Sink, Size:
Pump, Maker:
Pump, Size:
Assistant Keepers Dwellings
Coloring: Yellow
Construction Materials: Frame
Number of Rooms: 5
Heating Plant:
Number of Keepers: 1st asst & family
Outhouses: Barn, privy, oil house, boat house & power house.
Outhouse Coloring: Red
Paths and Walks: Concrete walks lead from dwelling to all outhouses except barn.
Area Inclosed: 1 acre enclosed by wire fence
Area of Garden: 1/10 acre
Area Timber or Shrubbery: None
Cultivation Area Available: 1/10 acre
Area Cultivated: 1/10 acre
Character of Surroundings: Rocky
Stove, Maker:
Stove, Size:
Sink, Maker:
Sink, Size:
Pump, Maker:
Pump, Size:
How Procured: Drawn from lake into cistern by fire plug from fog signal boiler.
Quality: Good
Quantity: Ample
Injury Possible: No
Purity Precaution: No rain water - cistern is used for supply of drinking water & domestic purposes
Tank Capacity: 1 cistern under Keepers dwelling & 1 in rear of assts.
Tank Material: Brick lined with cement
Distilling Apparatus: False
Distilling Manufacturer:
Well Description: Well has been cut in rocks
Well Diameter: 10'
Well Lining: Double plank floor
Pump or Bucket: Pumped into cisterns by injector
What Power Used: Fog signal boiler.
Distance from Dwelling: About 180' S of fog signal bldg
General Opinion: Healthfulness excellent
Diseases: None
Local Causes:
Recommended Improvements:
Access to Lighthouse: Tramway leads from fog signal to boat landing. Boat house is frame building 11' x 17' in plan & is on shore of Bay about 1/8 mile NW from Keeper's dwelling - Boat house is not on lighthouse property.
Distance and Direction: Boathouse about 1/8 mile NW from lighthouse. Landing is about 1/8 mile W of fog signal.
Miscellaneous Remarks: Tower & buildings are in good condition. Tower is approached only from 2nd floor of Keeper's dwelling - outside door leads to lower hall. Each of the rooms in tower are lined with wooden vertical ceiling & all have wooden floors.
Hoisting Engines
Hoisting Engine Kind: Horizontal engine housed in 1 end of power house
Engine RPMs:
Engine Diameter:
Engine Stroke:
Engine Boiler: Steam is taken from fog signal boilers
Engine Maker and Date:
Serial Number:
Cylinders and Size:
Hoist Starter:
Hoist Miscellaneous: