Report for St. Augustine (Florida) - 1911
General |
District: | 6th |
Inspector: | H.A. Field, Capt. USN |
Location: | On seacoast of Florida, on N'ly end of Anastasia Island S'ly of St. Augustine Inlet; 32 miles SSE'ly of St. John's River Light & 52 miles NNW'ly from Mosquito Inlet Light Station. |
Date of Report: | 11/28/1911 |
Latitude: | 29° 53' 07" |
Longitude: | 81° 17' 12" |
Premises |
Site: | No record in District |
Date of Reservation: | |
Date of Deed: | |
Date of Permission: | |
Date of Lease: | |
Area of the Entire Site: | 17.1 acres |
Area Inclosed: | 90' x 190' |
Character of Soil: | |
Distance of tower from Nearest High-Water Mark: | (to fence 725 & to tower 160) = 885' |
Inclosures to Premises / Type of Fence: | Brick |
Wharf or Landing on Premises: | No |
Road to Land or Wharf Chararacter of and Distance: | |
Means to Reach Light Station: | Trolley car from St. Augustine 2 miles distant. |
Distance to Nearest Road: | |
Distance to Post Office: | Anastasia, 1/5 mile. |
Distance to Village: | |
Facilities for Public Conveyance: | |
Facilities for Private Conveyance: | |
Means Used for Support of Lantern: | Conical tower |
Number of Separate Lights: | 1 |
First Built or Established: | 1824 |
Last Rebuilt, Repaired, or Renovated: | 1871 |
Condition at This Date: | |
Shape of Tower in Plan: | |
Form of Tower: | |
Height from Base to Ventilator Ball: | |
Height of Focal Plane Above Mean High Water: | 161' |
Background of Lighthouse as Seen from Sea: | Trees & skyline |
Color of Tower: | White foundation with black cornice, shaft painted with black & white spiral bands. Lantern red |
Color of Tower/ How Produced: | Paint |
Tower Connection: | Detached |
Object of Navigation: | Seacoast, for general navigation |
Building Materials: | Brick - stone - iron |
General Description: | |
Wall Thickness at Base: | |
Wall Thickness at Parapet: | |
Diameter at Base: | |
Diameter at Parapet: | |
Kind of Stairway and Steps: | Circular iron steps from btwn landings. |
Number of Landings: | |
Size of Glass: | 9 1/4" x 12" & 10" x 12" |
Number of Windows and Size of Sash: | 5 - Upper sash 24x28" 2 swinging sashes 12x54" ea 12 panes 9 1/4x12"; 2 U sash 26x42" 2 swinging sashes 13x54" ea 14 panes 9 1/4x12"; 2 U sash 27x42", 2 swinging sashes 13.5x66.5", ea 16 panes 10x12"; 6 U sash 21x44", L sash 21x48", ea 10 panes 10x12" |
Number of Doors: | 4; 1 - 26.5" x 80"; 1 - 34" x 79"; 4 - 39" x 90" |
Kind of Foundation and Depth Below Surface: | |
Character of Soil Surrounding the Lighthouse: | |
Soil Susceptibility: | |
Miscellaneous Remarks: | Tower in good condition. |
Lantern and Fixtures |
Order of Lantern: | 1st |
Shape of Lantern: | Polygonal |
Diameter to Glass: | |
Diameter in the Clear: | |
Number of Sides: | 16 (12 - 2" dia) |
Type of Bars: | Vertical |
Thickness of Bars: | |
Height Glazed: | 9' 8" |
Number of Plates in Height: | 3 |
Number of Plates Each Side: | 3 |
Thickness of Plates: | 5/16" |
Size of Plates: | 27 3/4" x 39 x 30 3/4, 27 3/4 x 44 3/4 |
Number of Storm Panes: | |
Unglazed Side of Lantern: | None |
What Bearings: | |
Construction Material Lantern: | Iron & brass |
Construction Material Roof / Cowl: | Copper - zinc lined - iron rafters |
Ventilator / Cowl: | Copper |
Lightning Spindle: | Copper - platinum tipped |
Description of Lightning Rod: | |
Balustrade: | Iron |
Lantern Doors: | None |
Floor of Lantern: | Cast iron & glass dead lights. |
Watchroom Doors: | Single wood iron hinges. |
Parapet Diameter: |
Ventilators |
Location / Number: | |
Ladders / Cleaning Arrangement: | Iron |
Curtain Hooks / Hanger: | Cup hooks to tie rods |
Watchroom |
How is Watchroom Fitted: | Upper or last landing below service room, fitted with 1 wood locker & drawers for spare parts |
How is Relief Called: | Bell wires, #16 rubber covered |
Where is Call System Led: | Inside of tower over draw transom to dwelling to gong in hole in wall btwn dwellings. |
Illuminating Apparatus |
Kind of Apparatus: | 2 3/4 hours |
Intensity in Candles: | Flash 160,000; Fixed 36, 000 |
Name of Maker: | L. Sautter Limonnier & Cie |
Year Made: | ? |
Marks and Number: | L. Sautter Limonnier & Cie |
Order of Apparatus: | 1st |
Inside Diameter: | 72.5" |
Light Characteristic: | |
Time of Revolution: | 9 minutes |
Flash Interval: | |
Duration of Flash: | |
Arc of Each Fixed Part: | 360 degrees |
Number of Panels: | 3 flash panels each 45 degrees, 6 steady panels each 37.5 degrees form the revolving belt |
Number of Flash Panels: | 3 |
Arc of Each: | 45 degrees |
Number of Elements in Central Drum: | 17 |
Number of Prisms Above Center Drum: | 18 (16 fixed panels) |
Number of Prisms Below Center Drum: | 8 (14 fixed panels) 2 used as entrance to lens |
Does Apparatus Revolve?: | False |
Is There a Revolving Belt?: | True |
Revolving Panels: | |
How Flash is Produced: | |
Number of Vertical Elements Panel: | |
Fixed Lens Covered: | |
Pedestal: | Cast iron base supports 4 columns (within which is glass clock box) on which rests chariot. |
Service Table: | |
Draft Tube Description: | Russian iron tube 6" in dia. bolted to damper tube. |
Revolving Machinery: | |
Standby and Description: | |
Chariot Float or Balls: | Chariot |
Chariot Description: | Steel chariot, 8 brass wheels 6 1/4" dia. worn to flat face) revolving base plate of lens runs on chariot wheels, with 3 1/8" brass friction wheels 8 above, 8 below. |
Length of Drop Tube: | Drops from 1st landing to pit in floor of tower |
Clock Weight: | 270 lbs |
Length of Winding Time: | 2 3/4 hours |
Drive During Rewind: | No (reqs. 20 sec to wind) |
Machinery Protection: | Glass case |
Regulated: | Automatic ball governor & fan |
Lens Protection: | Linen cover |
How Color is Produced: | |
Red Sectors Description: | |
Where Color Attached: | |
Form of Colored Glass: | |
Lamp Description: | 55 mm IOV |
Type of Illuminant: | Oil |
Number of Spare Lamps: | 1 used for pedestal of IOV burner |
Number of Spare Burners: | 2 - 5 wick, 1 IOV |
Candle Power: | Not known |
Clock Cord Description |
Revolving Cord: | 7/16" steel wire |
Size of Clock Cord: | 7/16" |
Length of Clock Cord: | 150' |
How Led: | From clock to roller & thru fair leads at center of each landing to first one. |
Diameter and Length of Clock Drum: | 8.5" x 10.5" |
Vapor Oil Lamp |
Number of Wicks or Mantels: | 1 mantle |
Diameter of Outside Wick: | |
Diameter of Mantel: | 2" |
Diameter of Circum Circle: |
Closets and Store Rooms |
Tower Closet Use: | 1 small wood in service of watch room |
Oil House Description: | 75' SE of tower, wood shelves |
Oil House Inside Dimension: | 12' x 15.5' x 8' 6" |
Oil House Construction Material: | Brick & tin roof |
Oil House Capacity: | 500 5-gal cans |
Other (Describe): | 1 store or work room 50' E'ly of tower, contains paints, tools, etc. |
Suitability: | Dry & suited. |
Dwelling |
Location: | 100' S of tower |
Coloring: | Red |
Construction Materials: | Brick |
Number of Rooms: | Keeper - 4 rooms, bath & kitchen; 1st Asst. - 2 rooms, bath & kitchen; 2nd Asst. - 2 rooms. |
Number of Dwellings: | 1 |
Heating Plant: | |
Number of Keepers: | Keeper has 1/2, 1st asst 2nd floor other 1/2, 2nd asst, 1st floor other 1/2. |
Furnished Quarters: | |
NOT Furnished Quarters: | |
Outhouses: | 1 |
Outhouse Coloring: | White |
Paths and Walks: | Concrete from tower to dwelling, yard covered with coquina. |
Area Inclosed: | |
Area of Garden: | |
Area Timber or Shrubbery: | |
Cultivation Area Available: | None |
Area Cultivated: | None |
Character of Surroundings: | Sand |
Stove, Maker: | Monarch Beaver; Minnis Stove Co; New Perfection #3 |
Stove, Size: | No. 8 - 110; Miller Gem #950; 3 burner |
Sink, Maker: | Porcelain (3) |
Sink, Size: | 18 x 30 x 6 (3) |
Pump, Maker: | W. D. Douglas Middletown, CT (2) |
Pump, Size: | #2 (2) |
Lamps: | 3 table, 3 hand & 3 lanterns |
Water |
How Procured: | Windmill & well 14' deep |
Quality: | Good |
Quantity: | Ample |
Injury Possible: | No |
Purity Precaution: | Cleaned yearly - Kerosened to kill mosquitoes |
Tank Capacity: | 2 - 6000 gal under dwelling |
Tank Material: | Brick |
Distilling Apparatus: | False |
Distilling Manufacturer: | |
Well Description: | Driven well 14' deep |
Well Diameter: | 2" |
Well Lining: | Yes |
Pump or Bucket: | Pump |
What Power Used: | |
Distance from Dwelling: | 135' |
Healthfulness |
General Opinion: | Healthy |
Diseases: | None |
Prevalency: | No |
Local Causes: | No |
Recommended Improvements: | No |
Miscellaneous |
Access to Lighthouse: | No landing. Station on trolley line about 300 yds distant. Then sand road to light station. |
Distance and Direction: | Stores landed on beach about 1/4 mile N'ly of station. |
Miscellaneous Remarks: | During winter months & tourist season, station is overrun with visitors; entailing much additional duty to show them tower & clean after them. |