Bowlers Rock Lightship Station (VA)

Historical Light List Characteristics

1858 F W. W5. LHB Light List (US): 250
1860 LHB Light List (US): 235

Historical Light List Optics and Structures

1858 N/A N/A N/A N/A Fog-bell; name painted on both sides in large black letters. To guide clear of Bowler's rock. LHB Light List (US): 250
1860 Fog-bell and fog-horn. Name painted on both sides in large black letters. LHB Light List (US): 235

Historical Light List Audible Fog Signals

1858 Bell. None LHB Light List (US): 250
1860 Bell & horn. Bell rung and horn sounded alternately ever five minutes in foggy weather LHB Light List (US): 235
1835 - 1868 (Station vacant 1861-1863.)