Honolulu Harbor (Hawaii)

Historical Light List Characteristics

1906 F WR. Fixed red from seaward, between NW 3/4 W and E; fixed white inside the harbor. LHB Light List (Dist. 12-13): 278
1914 Oc W 6s. W12. ec 2. USLHS Light List (Pacific): 678

Historical Light List Optics and Structures

1906 4th N/A 26 White; pyramidal, wooden house on piles; black lantern; keeper's dwelling adjoining to westward. LHB Light List (Dist. 12-13): 278
1914 N/A 41 44 Gray; square tower, on dwelling. USLHS Light List (Pacific): 678
1826 - 1909 (Approximate location: Poor old light list coordinate accuracy - lighthouse was in the middle of channel.)
1910 - 1925 (Approximate location: Poor old light list coordinate accuracy - assumed to have been located on the point of Sand Island.)