Roanoke River (North Carolina)

Historical Light List Characteristics

1868 F W. W10. Arc illuminated N. 85 E. by E'd to S. 37 W. LHB Light List (All Coasts): 258
1870 F W. W11. Arc illuminated N. 85 E. by E'd to S. 37 W. LHB Light List (All Coasts): 270
1878 LHB Light List (All Coasts): 341
1879 LHB Light List (All Coasts): 356
1886 F W. W111/4. LHB Light List (All Coasts): 406
1888 LHB Light List (All Coasts): 426
1893 F W. W11. LHB Light List (Atlantic): 522
1898 LHB Light List (Atlantic): 626
1899 LHB Light List (Atlantic): 645
1905 LHB Light List (Atlantic): 745
1908 LHB Light List (Atlantic): 806
1915 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 1137
1917 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 1178
1920 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 1236
1927 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 1358
1931 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 1666
1935 Fl W 5s. W11. fl 0.5. USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 2085

Historical Light List Optics and Structures

1868 4th N/A 35 Screw-pile light-house, in 71/2 feet water. LHB Light List (All Coasts): 258
1870 LHB Light List (All Coasts): 270
1878 A square screw-pile light-house, in 71/2 feet water; iron foundation, red; superstructure, white; lantern, red; shingle roof. LHB Light List (All Coasts): 341
1879 LHB Light List (All Coasts): 356
1886 Square white screw-pile stucture; piles and lantern, red; shingle roof. Stands in 71/2 feet water. LHB Light List (All Coasts): 406
1888 Square white screw-pile stucture; piles, brown; lantern, black; shingle roof, brown. Stands in 71/2 feet water. LHB Light List (All Coasts): 426
1893 White square screw-pile stucture; piles, brown; lantern, black; shingle roof, brown. Stands in 71/2 feet at mean low water. LHB Light List (Atlantic): 522
1898 White square screw-pile stucture; piles, brown; lantern, black; shingle roof, brown. In 71/2 feet of water. LHB Light List (Atlantic): 626
1899 LHB Light List (Atlantic): 645
1905 White, square, screw-pile stucture; piles, brown; lantern, black; shingle roof, brown. In 71/2 feet of water. LHB Light List (Atlantic): 745
1908 White, square, screw-pile stucture; brown roof and piles; black lantern. In 71/2 feet of water. LHB Light List (Atlantic): 806
1915 N/A White; square; on brown piles. In 11/4 fathoms. USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 1137
1917 White, square; on brown piles. In 11/4 fathoms. USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 1178
1920 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 1236
1927 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 1358
1931 4 o White square on brown piles. In 7 feet. USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 1666
1935 4 a USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 2085

Historical Light List Audible Fog Signals

1868 Bell None LHB Light List (All Coasts): 258
1870 None LHB Light List (All Coasts): 270
1878 LHB Light List (All Coasts): 341
1879 LHB Light List (All Coasts): 356
1886 Bell struck by machinery every 15 sec. LHB Light List (All Coasts): 406
1888 LHB Light List (All Coasts): 426
1893 LHB Light List (Atlantic): 522
1898 LHB Light List (Atlantic): 626
1899 LHB Light List (Atlantic): 645
1905 LHB Light List (Atlantic): 745
1908 Bell struck by machinery a single blow every 15 sec. LHB Light List (Atlantic): 806
1915 Bell; 1 stroke every 15 sec. USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 1137
1917 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 1178
1920 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 1236
1927 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 1358
1931 BELL; 1 stroke every 15 sec. USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 1666
1935 None USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 2085
1866 - 1941 (Approximate location of 1887 light, built on new piles, which is assumed to be near the 1885 light. 1885 light was built on the 1866 piles.)