Punta de las Figuras (Puerto Rico)

Historical Light List Characteristics

1905 F W. W12. LHB Light List (Atlantic): 1278
1908 LHB Light List (Atlantic): 1418
1915 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 2006
1917 F W. W11. USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 2185
1920 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 2269
1927 Fl W 15s. W12. fl 3. USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 2596
1931 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 3098
1935 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 4038
1943 Fl WR 15s. W12, R12. fl 3. Red north of 81°. USCG Light List (Atlantic): 4632
1950-1952 Fl WR 15s. W11, R11. fl 3. Red north of 81°.
1953-1955 Fl WR 15s. W11, R7. fl 3. Red north of 081°. USCG Light List - Vol. I-VI: 7361
1959-1960 USCG Light List - Vol. I-V: 5469
1961 USCG Light List - Vol. II: 5469
1963 Fl WR 15s. W12, R8. fl 3. Red north of 081°.
1969-1970 Fl WR 6s. W12, R12. fl 1. Red north of 079°. USCG Light List - Vol. II: 1379
1973-1974 Fl WR 6s. W8, R6. Red north of 079°.
1976 Fl WR 6s. W8, R6. Red north of 081°.

Historical Light List Optics and Structures

1905 5th 36 47 Octagonal tower in the center of a one-story flat-roofed dwelling, dark gray with white trimmings. LHB Light List (Atlantic): 1278
1908 White, octagonal tower, black lantern, in the center of a white, one-story, flat-roofed dwelling, with green window shutters. LHB Light List (Atlantic): 1418
1915 N/A 41 White; octagonal tower, on center of flat-roofed dwelling. USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 2006
1917 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 2185
1920 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 2269
1927 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 2596
1931 5 a White octagonal tower on center of flat-roofed dwelling. USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 3098
1935 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 4038
1943 375 mm a 42 43 White pyramidal skeleton tower on concrete piers. USCG Light List (Atlantic): 4632
1953-1955 N/A USCG Light List - Vol. I-VI: 7361
1959-1960 USCG Light List - Vol. I-V: 5469
1961 USCG Light List - Vol. II: 5469
1969-1970 51 White skeleton tower on white cylindrical tower. USCG Light List - Vol. II: 1379
1973-1974 White skeleton tower on cylindrical tower.
1976 43 NR on white pyramidal tower on concrete pier.
1893 - 1937
1938 - 1980 (Approximate location of modern light which was deactivated circa 1980.)