Wood Island (Maine)

Historical Light List Characteristics

1839 Fl W 90s. W24. USLHE Light List (US): 5
1849 Fl W 90s. W18.
1858 Fl R 60s. R13. LHB Light List (US): 45
1860 LHB Light List (US): 39
1865-1866 LHB Light List (All Coasts): 39
1870 LHB Light List (All Coasts): 40
1878-1879 LHB Light List (All Coasts): 50
1886 FFl R 60s. F13, Fl13. LHB Light List (All Coasts): 49
1888 FFl R 60s. F14, Fl14. LHB Light List (All Coasts): 51
1893 LHB Light List (Atlantic): 58
1898 LHB Light List (Atlantic): 66
1899 LHB Light List (Atlantic): 67
1905 LHB Light List (Atlantic): 72
1908 FFl R 60s. F11.25, Fl11.25. LHB Light List (Atlantic): 74
1915 FFl R 60s. F14, Fl14. fl 3. USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 86
1917 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 91
1927 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 95
1931 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 97
1935 Fl(3) W 60s. W14. (fl 1.2, ec 8.8) x 2, fl 1.2, ec 38.8. USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 101
1940 USCG Light List (Atlantic): 113
1943 USCG Light List (Atlantic): 155
1953-1955 USCG Light List - Vol. I-VI: 10
1959-1960 Fl(3) W 60s. W14. (fl 1.8, ec 8.2) x 2, fl 1.8, ec 38.2. USCG Light List - Vol. I-V: 10
1961 USCG Light List - Vol. I: 10
1964-1965 Fl(3) W 60s. W14. (fl 0.8, ec 9.2) x 2, fl 0.8, ec 39.2.
1966 USCG Light List - Vol. I: 11
1969-1972 Fl(2) W 6s. W14. fl 0.1, ec 1.4, fl 0.1, ec 4.4.
1973-1979 Fl(2) W 6s. W24. fl 0.1, ec 1.4, fl 0.1, ec 4.4.
1987 Al WG 10s. W16, G14. USCG Light List - Vol. I: 95
2004 AlFl WG 10s. W18, G16.

Historical Light List Optics and Structures

1839 10 Lamps / 14" Refl. 45 53 N/A USLHE Light List (US): 5
1849 63
1858 4th 47 62 LHB Light List (US): 45
1860 LHB Light List (US): 39
1865 LHB Light List (All Coasts): 39
1870 Tower of stone, whitewashed. Dwelling, a story and one-half wooden building, painted brown, connected with tower by a wooden porch. LHB Light List (All Coasts): 40
1878 Tower of stone, whitewashed. Dwelling a story and a half wooden building, painted brown, connected with tower by a wooden porch, painted brown. A pyramidal bell-tower about 30 feet high, painted white, standing to the southward of the tower. LHB Light List (All Coasts): 50
1879 Tower of stone, whitewashed. Dwelling a story and a half wooden building, painted white, connected with tower by a wooden porch, whitewashed. A pyramidal bell-tower about 30 feet high, painted white, standing to the southward of the tower.
1886 White tower and dwelling, connected by a porch. A white pyramidal bell-tower, about 30 feet high, stands to the southward. LHB Light List (All Coasts): 49
1888 74 LHB Light List (All Coasts): 51
1893 481/4 701/2 White tower and dwelling, connected by a porch. A white pyramidal bell tower, about 30 feet high, stands to the southward. LHB Light List (Atlantic): 58
1898 LHB Light List (Atlantic): 66
1899 LHB Light List (Atlantic): 67
1905 White tower and dwelling, connected by a porch; white pyramidal bell-tower, about 30 feet high, to the eastward, and stone oilhouse 195 feet northeasterly of light-tower. LHB Light List (Atlantic): 72
1908 White tower and dwelling, connected by a porch; white pyramidal bell-tower, about 30 feet high, to the E'd, and stone oilhouse 195 feet NE'ly of light-tower. LHB Light List (Atlantic): 74
1915 N/A 53 71 White; tower connected to dwelling. USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 86
1917 54 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 91
1927 White; conical tower connected to dwelling. USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 95
1931 4 iov White conical tower connected to dwelling. USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 97
1935 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 101
1940 N/A USCG Light List (Atlantic): 113
1943 USCG Light List (Atlantic): 155
1953-1955 N/A USCG Light List - Vol. I-VI: 10
1959-1960 USCG Light List - Vol. I-V: 10
1961 USCG Light List - Vol. I: 10
1966 USCG Light List - Vol. I: 11
1987 USCG Light List - Vol. I: 95

Historical Light List Audible Fog Signals

1858 None None LHB Light List (US): 45
1860 LHB Light List (US): 39
1865-1866 LHB Light List (All Coasts): 39
1870 LHB Light List (All Coasts): 40
1878 LHB Light List (All Coasts): 50
1879 A bell, struck by machinery two blows in rapid succession; pause of 25 seconds, followed by a single blow.
1886 Bell struck by machinery, a double and a single blow alternately, with intervals of 25 sec. LHB Light List (All Coasts): 49
1888 LHB Light List (All Coasts): 51
1893 Bell struck by machinery, a single and double blow alternately, intervals of 25 sec. LHB Light List (Atlantic): 58
1898 LHB Light List (Atlantic): 66
1899 LHB Light List (Atlantic): 67
1905 LHB Light List (Atlantic): 72
1908 Bell struck by machinery a single and double blow alternately, intervals of 25 sec. LHB Light List (Atlantic): 74
1915 Bell; 1 stroke, silent 25 sec., 2 strokes, silent 25 sec. USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 86
1917 Bell; 1 stroke, silent 25 sec., gp. 2 strokes, silent 25 sec. USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 91
1927 Bell (1,200-lb.); 1 stroke, silent 25 sec., gp. 2 strokes, silent 25 sec. USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 95
1931 BELL; 1 stroke, silent 25 sec., gp. 2 strokes, silent 25 sec. USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 97
1935 USLHS Light List (Atlantic): 101
1940 BELL; 1 stroke, silent 25 sec., group of 2 strokes, silent 25 sec. USCG Light List (Atlantic): 113
1943 USCG Light List (Atlantic): 155
1953-1955 BELL: 1 stroke, 25ssi-gp of 2 strokes, 25ssi. USCG Light List - Vol. I-VI: 10
1959-1960 USCG Light List - Vol. I-V: 10
1961 USCG Light List - Vol. I: 10
1964-1965 BELL (1+2) ev 55s (1 stroke-27ssi, gp of 2 strokes-27ssi).
1966 BELL: (1+2) ev 55s (1 stroke-27ssi) gp of 2 strokes-27ssi). USCG Light List - Vol. I: 11
1969 HORN: diaphragm; 2 blast ev 30s (2sbl-2ssi-2sbl-24ssi).
1970-1971 HORN, diaphragm; 2 blast ev 30s (2sbl-2ssi-2sbl-24ssi).
1972 HORN: diaphragm; 2 blast ev 30s (2sbl-2ssi-2sbl-24ssi).
1973-1975 HORN, 2 blast ev 30s (2sbl-2ssi-2sbl-24ssi).
1976-1979 HORN: 2 blast ev 30s (2sbl-2ssi-2sbl-24ssi).
1982 HORN: 2 blast ev 30s (2s bl-2s si-2s bl-24s si).
1987 HORN: 2 blast ev 30s (2s bl-2s si-2s bl-24s si). USCG Light List - Vol. I: 95
2004 HORN: 2 blasts ev 30s (2s bl-2s si-2s bl-24s si).
1808 - Present (Exact location of current 1858 lighthouse. Locations of previous lighthouses assumed to be close.)